Part: Part One (C)
Title: In The Gryffindor Common Room
Rating: PG for language.
Characters: Remus, Sirius, James, Peter.
Notes: Thanks to
ank_the_tank for inspiring me to restart this story with the boys in a dorm.
Part One(C): In The Gryffindor Common Room
Inside the common room:
Remus spots the books, oh-so-many books...
And solemnly swears to read them all.
Meanwhile, James spots Lily and solemnly swears to get in her knickers her too. Or something.
"Hey, it's Lily Evans isn't it? I'm so glad you got sorted into Gryffindor!" (aww!)
Remus is very good at staring into fires yeah, seeing as this was pretty much all JKR let him do in HBP [/bitter]
What with all the excitement over the books, he's feeling a little deflated now. To be honest, he's never spent the night away from his parents before (well...except for the nights he spent in St. Mungo's...after, y'know...and the nights he's had to sleep in the basement, but at least he knew his parents were upstairs somewhere, and that was always a comfort). It's pretty tough to think that no one here understands his problem, and if he makes any friends, he's going to have to keep his distance from them in case they find out...and everything will be based on lies anyway...and...and...and he's about to find out that Sirius Black was never one to understand the term "quiet time."
Sirius: Dude! How's it hanging?!
Remus:'s hanging...OK, thank you. (Aww, Remus looks so handsome here!)
Sirius: Wow! These sofas are springy!
James: *Sits down to join them.*
Remus: So...this is home for the next seven years!
James: *Smiles* Yup, I guess so! Hey, Sirius, are you gonna try out for the quidditch team? What about you, Remus?
Remus: Well, to be honest, I’, I've never been all that interested in quidditch *blushes.*
This statement shocks Sirius out of springy-mode.
"What do you mean you've never really been interested in quidditch? It's the greatest sport known to man and beast! And James, you'd better believe I'm trying out for the team!"
o_deanna decides to add extra lighting to the common room, and....LUMOS!)
Aww. Here comes Peter to join the group. This is just the cutest photo ever. They look so cosy :)
It's time to chose beds in the dorm...
They're all being very polite! I can't see this lasting for long...
Sirius: Go on, Peter, you choose first.
Peter: No, no...err, Remus can choose first.
Remus: No, really, it's fine, I wouldn't hear of it! Sirius you can choose first.
Hey, remember the cutest photo ever a few shots back? I was wrong. This next picture is the cutest photo ever...OMG!
While Sirius has been faffing about, it looks as if James has already chosen his bed...I'm thinking that these quick reflexes will be perfect for the quidditch team.
He's also decided to try his Gryffindor uniform on for size. He looks pretty foxy...
..But nowhere as near as foxy as Sirius...sheesh! Somebody open a window, I can't breathe! OMG!
(Also please note the shirt and tie, because they are the greatest accomplishment of my adult life)
But out in the bathroom, Remus isn’t quite as pleased with his appearance...
"Shit, my scars look really bad tonight, I don't know what I'm going to tell the other boys if they ask me about them..."
"...Maybe if I just smile REALLY big then no one will notice." *omgsquee*
Back in the dorm, James appears to be amusing the troops.
Sirius: Dude, that is the best owl impersonation I have ever heard! Ever!
Sirius: Show me how to do it! So I cup my hands like this, right?
Remus has never been very good at impersonations, and he's still feeling rather self-conscious around so many new people. He decides to read some Tennyson before going to bed.
And speaking of bed, I think we should let the boys get some sleep now, it's been a very long day.
Nighty night x
Get out your books for the first lesson...