May 04, 2006 14:42
Today was alright!
I got to see the lovely whore kaley this morning and i would love to say happy sweet 16 and i love you!
I also go to see the sweet whore megan this morning!
chorus~ practice for show which im really excited for
Chemistry~ stuff
Math~ math stuff
W.History~ plays
Spanish~ food
LA~ quiz
May 01, 2006 22:12
Chorus~ sang and danced
Chemistry~ did worksheet and talked to Fred
Math~ learn new stuff and talked to Lani and Farida
W.History~ play project which is going to suck cuz we have two girls who don't work and don't shut up and this one girl who wants to be in it the whole time.
Spanish~ computer stuff
LA~ read book
Apr 28, 2006 21:00
Chorus~ practice songs and we got a new song which is from RENT and im so happy now!
Chemistry~ talk to fred and stephaine
Math~ took test
W.history~ finished movie
Spanish2~ took spanish writing final
LA~ read book
Im just gunna do what i want to do from now on
Apr 27, 2006 17:53
today was ok
Chorus~ took notes
Chemistry~ took final which i totally cheated on
Math~ reviewed
W.History~ watched movie about Rasputin
Spanish 2~ did this movie thing
LA~ read the book the white mice and men
So that was it
Apr 23, 2006 11:53
I just got back from Megans' B'day which was fun we hung out walked around the hotel and swam. Any i mad at a certian someone who wasn't able to go to Megans B'day party because they had to get grounded... im jp i love you girl! Anyway i need to take a shower and get read for sunday.
Apr 21, 2006 21:37
im really bored... so i decided to post
Chorus~ practice our dance
Chemistry~ lab
Math~ work and i have a d in it so now im passing!
W.H~ mothing
Spanish2~ speaking thing
LA~ fire drill and took notes
I'm really sleepy so maybe ill go sleep
Apr 20, 2006 14:43
Latley ive been so bored about life... i hate school, i hate doing homework, i hate the gateway and im glad its over. Well anyway i might be going to a party saturday which should be awesome and i hope i do something fun this friday.
Apr 16, 2006 20:15
Happy Easter everybody!
Lent is over so now i can go on the internet!
Anyway i hate school and i got my permit on friday so thats it
Apr 09, 2006 09:31
i can't wait till school ends because i hate it and i don't care anymore! Anyway Spring break was fun i did some cool things, but i also figured out that 2 of my friends that i haven't been hanging out with i should hang with more. so im going to try and do that from now on. Anyway im tired and have to clean my room.