Dear Rappie, a Sci-fi fic for your birthday has begun.

Mar 12, 2015 05:22

Untitled at the moment, but it could change any moment now. I've been starting a lot of new stories lately and I'm getting good at it. It's so nice and I decided I was ready to get to the real work: Science Fiction ( Read more... )

bday stuff, fic, fic: original

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Comments 4

rap541 March 12 2015, 13:05:27 UTC
More complex thoughts later (about to go to work)

But you know my birthday is in October, right? :D

Thanks :D


i_want_2 March 13 2015, 02:44:11 UTC
I know your birthday is in november...I mean, October. The 21st, right? *cough13thcough* Silly. I promised to write you a scifi story for your birthday and I've been trying for months to get details out of you of what you want in it while plotting it out. I am just going with the scifi prompt you selected and throwing in elements I hope will please you. There is a romantic plot, but the overall plotline is pure mystery discovery plot. It takes place in space, space stations, starships, actual science, and an alien planet or two. There will also be a creepy vibe to it, hopefully.


rap541 March 12 2015, 23:07:35 UTC
Ooooh this is interesting. I am mostly intrigued right now as to the nature of his "disability". Please write more and thank you the birthday gift! (hugs)


i_want_2 March 13 2015, 02:47:33 UTC
There is more to come, there is! The disability is one you wouldn't think of being a problem, even knowing what it is.


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