
Sep 17, 2004 17:17

woopa, i just ordered 5 tickets to the faint for my chickadees, emma, jeni, izi (you can come right?) and jord. please come too! its on my barfday (29th september)and i want to dance with you all.

im wearing such sexy clothes right now words cant really describe, well they can actually...
-knitted green jumper
-racing car y-fronts
-one long red stripy ( Read more... )

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Comments 6

cathexes September 14 2004, 16:48:12 UTC
you one sexy lady. your journal dates have spazzed by the way.x


i_was_knitted September 14 2004, 16:49:03 UTC
have they? what date does it say? i didnt think i had dates, which made me sad cos i want them.


cathexes September 14 2004, 16:50:09 UTC
it says 10th oct 2004. i think your dates don't show on your journal cos you made the text in the bar above entries the same colour as the actual bar...or something.x


i_was_knitted September 14 2004, 16:51:16 UTC
this computer says the date is 10th of october too :( im in a time warp.


squeaky_pop September 15 2004, 16:38:09 UTC
Fankooo for ticket ladee. I take you to super places on my birthday also. Oooh must go buy your present SO excited. i hope you <3 it. I dont even know what i'm getting you yet. so many possibilities. love's your naked self i do. wish i had your ass :'( <333


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