susiegrapefruit and I rewatched Reichenbach Fall last night.
Side note: it appears this LJ is rapidly degenerating into a fangirl blog; I promise that it really is not. I'm suffering from a one-track mind right now.
Sherlock jumped, and it was Sherlock's body we saw wheeled away on a stretcher. It is entirely possible to fall from that height and walk away relatively unharmed - if you know how to fall. Sherlock picked the place for his final meeting with Moriarty. He told Molly he thought something was going to happen in advance. We have seen how Sherlock can think of several different outcomes to any situation. Surely a fall off the roof occurred to him. Look how he fell - arms outstretched, limbs waving. Research the best way to fall from a great height, and it makes sense.
The only question that remains is how he got from the pavement (alive, seeing as how they rushed him into the hospital), "died," and then got into Molly's care.
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