
Dec 31, 2010 06:27

Hi this is a Friends Only journal. If you would like to be my friend then just comment.

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Comments 24

jehoiada July 18 2007, 11:40:11 UTC


iam4him July 18 2007, 19:44:58 UTC
I don't want people to spoil it for me!


jehoiada July 18 2007, 19:47:31 UTC


forsakensylph September 18 2007, 17:28:10 UTC
Everybody dies and Bilbo Baggins is behind it ALL!!!!!

Oh, and Harry Potter is really a woman. and hang on there's a funny shirt I have to show you...



forsakensylph July 18 2007, 11:44:03 UTC
Holly, you are a NUT. NUUUUUT. Why don't you just stay off the internet until it comes out?

Will you still be my friend?


iam4him July 18 2007, 19:45:36 UTC
I can't stay off the internet, I would die, but yes you are still my friend.


beidoll August 1 2007, 15:25:39 UTC
Thanx for the lotion which just came in the mail today!!!!
It's actually my favorite flavor. How did you know? : P


ex_airehen April 2 2008, 20:47:21 UTC
Greetings iam4him! I hope you don't mind me popping in. I found you via dakoda. According to your list, we have a lot of interests in common from Ever After and You've Got Mail to LOTR and Sailor Moon.

My LJ is also FO. Please consider friending me, and I shall then friend in return. :) Feel free to check out my infopage.

Thanks, ~ airehen


ex_airehen April 2 2008, 20:48:03 UTC
P.S. I love your Sailor Mercury icon.


iam4him April 3 2008, 12:59:03 UTC
I added you. Thanks about the icon.


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