011 [Audio | Closed Action]

Dec 07, 2011 16:50

I got too old for Santa when I was nine...'cept for the year I was twelve. I asked for a red bicycle. Anyway, haven't written a letter to Saint Nick since then but here in the City...I figger...why not?

No reason for me to put it on the network though.

He knows who's been bad or good...so be good for goodness sake... )

rose is a dork, rose has a doctor, rose is cursed

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Comments 164

am_i_being_rude December 7 2011, 23:56:01 UTC
[There are several things that gradually alert his body to her presence, but it still takes a few minutes for them to cause him to actually wake up. He had fallen asleep while reading his book - totally by accident! He doesn't even actually remember setting it down to rest his head for a moment - and at some point managed to lie down on one of his arms and rest his face on the other. But yes, waking up. It's not too long after she's sat against the headboard, at the end of a deep breath in and out. His eyes snap open, blinking once or twice before looking over at her without moving his head. That comes a couple of seconds later, when he lifts it to glance around the room, sitting up a little on one elbow to look properly at it over his shoulder before looking back at her, and finally letting his head fall so that his cheek is resting back on his arm. It's always a little disconcerting to wake up in a different place, particularly when you didn't mean to fall asleep in the first place.]


iam_thebadwolf December 8 2011, 00:14:20 UTC
[She smiles softly at him when he wakes up and slides her letter into the book then puts it back on the nightstand. She's still wearing the sweater and jeans she wore out earlier but she's barefoot.] Good nap?


am_i_being_rude December 8 2011, 00:31:56 UTC
[He closes his eyes again for a few seconds and doesn't bother to lift his face out of the pillow when he replies, so it's appropriately partially muffled when it comes.] Unintentional. Nice bed. So, yes. [Looking back at her again.] Good day?


iam_thebadwolf December 8 2011, 01:13:30 UTC
[Rose nods a bit. She got the jest of the muffled and the question was clear.] Yeah. Snow's nice outside. No ashed of ships. Just snow.


voice; astorminhiswake December 8 2011, 05:05:37 UTC
Good bicycle, too. You'd think that'd only encourage you.


voice; iam_thebadwolf December 8 2011, 05:13:51 UTC
Couldn't top that Christmas. Sorta thought it was a good place to stop.


voice; astorminhiswake December 8 2011, 05:26:19 UTC
Point. So you're not sharing your list with all of us, then? Funny impulse to get half the City writin' letters to Saint Nick.


voice; iam_thebadwolf December 8 2011, 05:37:21 UTC
Just wantin' real snow for Christmas and to know Mum and Mickey are all right.

[Well that's all she's willing to say.]

No bicycles this time 'round. Might ought to add that thought. Don't have one here.


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