ok, here are the pictures I promised for.... evvverr.. and now I finally have them!
first off comes the moomba pot. now if you're viewing it just from pictures you won't get a feel for it or even how large the damn thing is! now this took in all I think over 30 hours. I did not throw it on the wheel and for as smooth as it is... the pot is impressive. ^__^
the dimensions are 17-18 inches in height and 18-19 inches wide including arms. painted in acrylics. moomba is copyright to Final Fantasy series.
next is my moomba sculpture that I'm yet to paint yet. the paint is in my trunk but I haven't taken it out. this was my final for ceramics and I had SO MUCH trouble with the feet. holy shit the feet broke apart 8 times and smudged the face and the freaking... freaking... lets not go there. luckily the thing came out of the kiln and nothing exploded, ah, thank god.
the dimensions are 9-10 inches in height and 5-6 inches wide. moomba is copyright to Final Fantasy 8.
last night I was pretty bored so I took pictures of my room for a tour! also snuck some pictures of my grandparent's adorable cat. *__*
our first stop is to the left side of my room walking in (right if you're facing the doorway while in the center of the room), my bed!
as you can see I sleep with a lot of stuff animals and I have the Beatles next to me. trah la la la, its nice. yea, see my squirtle and charmander, WOOHOO! see my moogle pot hiding next to my small lamp on the cubby? he's trying to blend in.
next is the other side of my room where my shelves and cubicle is, "step into my cubicle my boy"
well, my computer and television are right next to each other that way I can multitask and loose my eyesight quicker. you probably can't see all the small details on my desk or what's on there but I have photos of my friends, prom, and lots of stuff that has meaning to me like my photos of Mimi and me. on the shelf above my desk is where I keep my candles and little lanterns. next to the desk is my shelving and my printer with the playstation 2/super nintedo underneath. can you spot my moomba? oh, that's right! you found him! hiding in the middle shelf, huh? I have a lot of crap on my shelves... my manga, anime, books, sprays, makeup, cards, video games, anything really.
finally just some quick cute pictures of Lucy. CUTEST LITTLE ADORABLE CAT EVERR! and extremely fluffy too.
well I gotta go take my shower now. hopefully my cellphone and nintendo ds lite will be done charging when I get out of the shower. getting some games for it today, YYYAAAYYY!! excited. XD BYYYEEE!