May 06, 2007 10:47

OK, so the art show.
The art show took place on Wednesday and Thursday and Wednesday was far busier. It was fun. It was boring. It was interesting. And it was fattening.

Maybe you didn't go or maybe you want a refresher but here are the photos I took of it.
Yes, some are poor quality, I'm a horrible photographer with digital.

Abagail's exhibit, her concentration was the 7 deadly sins

My exhibit, my concentration was andriods

Amiee's exhibit, her concentration was lucky/wishful things?

Andrea's exhibit, her concentration was life or affection or love.. not sure

Ashley M's exhibit, her concentration is -I have no clue-

Ashley B's exhibit, her concentration was hands

Carrie's exhibit, her concentration was Genesis from the Bible (we're going to the same school!)

Dana's exhibit, her concentration was animals

Hannah's exhibit, her concentration is -I have no clue-

Krysten's exhibit, her concentration was folds in fabric and the way they are in life? Not sure.

Liz's exhibit, her concentration was the life of a dragon. (Going to Flordia D:)

Maxine's exhibit, her concentration was dance.

Megan's exhibit, her concentration is -I have no clue-

Mindy's exhibit, her concentration was man's best friend, dog

Miraka's (sp?) exhibit, her concentration is -I have no clue-

Robin's exhibit, her concentration was the relationship between animals and humans

Sara K's exhibit, her concentration was Asian culture

Sarah B's exhibit, her concentration was disguises I think

Sarah M's exhibit, her concentration was places of Italy or some sort of European country

Vanessa's exhibit, her concentration was trees

Nathan's chainmail suit, I will never have to deal with him making that over my house ever again, yay!

Tyler's painting exhibit, too bad he dropped out of AP Portfolio

And finally an overall look at some of the exhibits.

Now that I've taken you to the art show I would say yay for 2007! A class of 20 females in portfolio, it was interesting. It's just a countdown till the school year is over at this point. Some things were cut off and there is so much more I should've uploaded to show but I'm not about to post 55 pictures from the art show. Personally I did not include my Moogle or Moomba ceramic pieces, sorry!
Well, there you have it, enjoy.

PS, sorry for not returning calls or allowing comments on previous entries.
I'm going to allow comments from now and then, and I'll return calls by Monday.
Me = Reaalllyyy tired lately for lootsss of reasons.
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