Someone much smarter than I once said that it takes a lifetime of practice to find out how easy cooking is. I love the internet and mass media because now there are a LOT of people floating around ready to help that.
I think cooking should be taught for at least 2 years in high school. Nutrition (the real kind, not just beating 5 fruits and vegetables into your head), and basics. For something we all do every day, they sure do ignore it in the educational system.
Comments 16
Someone much smarter than I once said that it takes a lifetime of practice to find out how easy cooking is. I love the internet and mass media because now there are a LOT of people floating around ready to help that.
I think cooking should be taught for at least 2 years in high school. Nutrition (the real kind, not just beating 5 fruits and vegetables into your head), and basics. For something we all do every day, they sure do ignore it in the educational system.
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