I've finally put this into words. (a rant about The Daily Show).

Sep 09, 2010 21:32

I watch The Daily Show, I enjoy The Daily Show, and I respect and admire The Daily Show. But I also realize that I shouln't count on them for news, or take everything Jon Stewart says at face value. And I realize that they are only humans, and therefore have faults, and make mistakes, just like everyone else.

Lately, I have seen a lot of people ( Read more... )

racism, comedy, louise rants, tv shows, oh man oh god, politics, opinion post, geeking out, why am i doing this again?, idek, culture, privilege, geekdom, i just have a lot of feelings, i love you jon, the media, evil feminazis goez crazy, fandom iz srs bsns, feminism, looooong rant, i don't know anything, women's rights, tv, rant, sexism, random, fangirling, i will regret this tomorrow, let me tell you internets..., i stan for smart people, blogging, fandom, tds, i feel your scorn and i accept it, lol wtf am i doing?, white privilege, riveting tale chap, jon stewart, jon being jon, venting, haters gonna hate, i'm a woman, misogyny

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Comments 11

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iamashamed September 9 2010, 21:13:30 UTC
Really? Thank you.<3333

hehehehe :D


captainsarah September 9 2010, 23:30:39 UTC
PREACH ( ... )


iamashamed September 10 2010, 13:31:24 UTC
Thanks for reading bb! I totally agree with you.


emotionalwench September 10 2010, 00:11:46 UTC
You make some very good and well-stated points, Louise. I'm in awe of how well you express yourself and how unafraid you are to express your opinions. You should really change that username of yours. ;)


iamashamed September 10 2010, 13:32:02 UTC
Thank you sweetie, that means a lot.<3 I'm glad it wasn't totally off.<3


singingrain5 September 10 2010, 00:16:00 UTC
Anything I could say would be basically repeating bits of what you've said here. So I'm just gonna say I agree, very much. :)


iamashamed September 10 2010, 13:32:19 UTC
Yay!:D Thanks for reading.


shoebox_addict September 10 2010, 00:54:43 UTC
WOW. Bra-vo! I don't understand all the Daily Show hate lately, I really really don't.

Regarding what you said about TDS being "easy" on Democrats: Jon really held Tim Kaine's feet to the fire last night. I think they hold the Dems to a higher standard because they expect them to be better, more responsible than the Republicans. And when they don't measure up, the TDS folks get angry. I think they take Dems to task just as often as they take Republicans to task.


iamashamed September 10 2010, 13:32:55 UTC
Thank you bb! I understand it, I just don't want to be a part of it I guess:P Thanks for reading.<3


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