Friends cut.

Jun 06, 2011 12:51

Doing a Friends-cut. There's people on my flist that I never talk to, and who never comment (either they have stopped commenting, or have never commented at all), so I think it's time that I remove people. Nothing personal, of course, but if I don't know you at least a tiny bit, or in some ways trust you, I'm not comfortable with you reading my ( Read more... )

flist, update, random, friends- cut, friends, about this journal

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Comments 13

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iamashamed June 6 2011, 19:45:34 UTC
of course not bb<3 you're awesome. *hug*


velvetcure June 6 2011, 15:48:50 UTC
yeah, i think everyone goes through phases of not-commenting and then talking a lot. i've really tried to keep my Flist pretty simple.

anyway, all that isn't why i'm commenting now. shallowly [ha!], i just wanted to say i like your icon. it's really pretty! :)


iamashamed June 6 2011, 19:47:16 UTC

Hahaha, thank you! Didn't make it sadly, it's from colorvary


onlyconnect_83 June 7 2011, 15:17:08 UTC
Hey, hon...this is emotionalwench. I just started a new LJ and want to start updating it again, with at least some degree of frequency. You can cut my old journal if you want since I don't update it anymore, but I'd love it if you would add my new journal. I miss you and I hope we can get started talking again now that I've made my intention to come back to LJ. :) Love you.


iamashamed June 7 2011, 15:21:39 UTC
of course bb!<3


onlyconnect_83 June 7 2011, 15:23:13 UTC
Thanks hon. Can't wait to start reading up on you again. ;) I see you on Facebook occasionally but as I can't read Danish, it seems better to keep in touch with you here, LOL.


iamashamed June 7 2011, 15:31:26 UTC
Same, and I've missed you sfm as well! was just checking your old LJ the other day, hah. Glad to hear from you again<3. Love you, and I'm glad you friended me. Are you doing well?

and haha, cannot blame you for not knowing Danish:P


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