so I watched Game of Thrones.

Apr 19, 2011 00:43

First I will say that I really enjoyed it and might be getting into the fandom -- we'll see. The intrigue is delicious, the visuals are stunning, and the characters are all (for the most part) really really interesting and sympathetic. I LOVE THE STARKS. I just love them. There are not enough words for how much I love this family and these kids and ( Read more... )

tonight on the boob tube, episode reaction, game of thrones

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Comments 9

molokomolotov April 19 2011, 07:53:05 UTC
THE BOOKS ARE AMAZING and would definitely warrant a whole load of trigger warnings too especially since for the show they played up the ages of mostly all the characters.


iambickilometer April 19 2011, 08:01:42 UTC
oh wow did they really. Because the characters still look pretty young in the show.


tartanshell April 19 2011, 07:55:34 UTC
Dude! You watched GoT! *loves the books, loves Tyrion and Jon Snow like crazy, loves the Starks, loves Peter Dinklage and Sean Bean; is happy fangirl* Also, PUPPIES.

Well, sexual violence/abuse doesn't trigger me but it makes me very uncomfortable and I know that it would trigger a lot of people.

If you're talking about the scene I think you're talking about, um, have you read the books? If so, and re: PoC, in the non-spoileriest possible terms, I think you might not have as much to worry about as you think you do.

Also, I highly recommend the books.


iambickilometer April 19 2011, 08:00:45 UTC
Yeah I watched GoT! PUPPIES, YES. I am super excited for it, I really am.

I have not read the books. I do appreciate you telling me this, though, because from what I've seen so far I was getting pretty concerned re: portrayal and lack of opportunity to speak for themselves. I look forward to my worries being proven wrong!

I would normally read them but I've been in a pretty massive reading rut lately and I have a lot to catch up on before I start anything new. And since I'm watching the show... I'll probably wait until it's done to read the books.

But I'm really excited you're a fan too! I wasn't sure if anyone on LJ would be in the fandom with me.


tartanshell April 19 2011, 08:21:30 UTC
I'm a new-ish fan to the series; I read the books in 2009 and have been super excited since I heard about the TV show.

because from what I've seen so far I was getting pretty concerned re: portrayal and lack of opportunity to speak for themselves.

In the books, Danaerys is a major POV character, and her first few chapters, she's pretty withdrawn and really dwelling on her past and current emotional situation. I think the first episode was faithful to that, and maybe even played up the exoticism (/her fears) of the Dothraki people to show how frightened she was, basically being used as bartered goods to a people who are entirely different from what she knows. I felt a little squick of, "Wow, Exotic/Barbaric Other!" watching tonight, too, but I think that's intentional.

I've been in a pretty massive reading rut lately You know, me too. This is partly because I try not to read anything while I'm writing (I am a terrible style/voice parrot), but also because I haven't really found anything lately I want to read. Am looking forward ( ... )


st_aurafina April 19 2011, 08:45:30 UTC
I was unimpressed with the way the scene played out in the episode, because it wasn't quite that awful in the book. Still horribly, horribly problematic - so it feels weird to be defending it at all. GRRM tries to put a bit of consent into the scene - Drogo says no until Daenerys eventually says yes, and there's a sense that he is kind to her. Still totally non-con, and horrible, but I wish they'd bothered with the extra detail for the sake of the only POC character.

Less serious business: I really want to write crossover/fusion with Tony Stark.

As part of the family? That would totally work - they don't really have an engineer type character in the Stark family, though it's totally the kind of world that would embrace someone with a knack for building war machines. And he'd get along with Tyrion really well.


athenemiranda April 19 2011, 12:55:18 UTC
I want that crossover fic.

I'm not watching the HBO series (my brain doesn't like watching TV), but I've read the first book, and while I intend to read the others I've not done so yet partly because I found the first one so emotionally exhausting to read. Great writing but too draining for me to just plough through them one after another. I'm aiming for about one a year or something like that.


johnnash April 19 2011, 16:52:23 UTC
I just heard about this for the first time this weekend (which is what law school does to you) but based on the reviews I'm seeing, I think I'll have to give it a try but I'll be on the look out for the violence.

I would also get into it just to read a crossover you wrote with Tony Stark. I can't lie about that.


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