Back then in 2008, when I was only 15 years old and a 3rd year High School student, I don't know Arashi. It is like "what is that? is that a thing?" and "who are they? I haven't heard of them". Those are my questions inside my head. But as the seconds, minutes, hours, days, months and years passed by. Little by little I'm able to know them..
Well, to date it back, it all started with Hana Yori Dango. I first saw it on TV (GMA-7, a Philippine network that broadcast the drama). I heard it has the same story with Meteor Garden - the first live action version of the manga Hana Yori Dango from Taiwan. So I decided to watch it. I find the story very interesting and since then I try to watched it. But since I almost got home around 5:30pm from school, I was not able to watch it daily. So I asked my father to look for a DVD of Hana Yori Dango and thank God! My father bought a DVD of it - Season 1 and Season 2.
When I had my vacation I started to watched it. While watching, I really don't know any of actors/actresses who portrayed the role. I only know is that the story and the actors/actresses are great. And I will surely remember their faces. I don't even know that Arashi sang their theme songs. It is just like, I'm just watching it without any clue about the drama.
Then later my brother got bored and looked for a DVD. He then got my HYD DVD. He watched it till season 2. Then on the next week, I saw him again watching the same, HYD again and I watched also. It happened several times. Until then, I've became curious of the theme song of HYD. I loved the melody and tune of the song. So when I'm surfing the internet, I enter the keywords "Hana Yori Dango' on the Google. There, I found out lots of things about the drama - the people who portrayed the roles and of course their theme song.
Arashi now become my search topic in the Internet until I found myself downloading their songs and listening to it. Since then, I came to listen to Arashi songs. Read some information about them. Watch their videos ~ live performances and PVs. Wish and Love so Sweet are the first two song that I first listened and have in my phone. Listening to music is actually not my hobby back then. Whenever my father turned on his radio and stereo, I get irritated because the music is too loud. But now, it all changed, I like listening to music especially to Arashi and played it in full volume.
All I can say is that Arashi are not only idols, singers, dancers, and actors. But they are role models and inspirations. They are not afraid to show who really they are. They value each member in their group as a part of their family. Friendship is the number one thing that I admire from them.
I'm happy that I was able to know them and I'm proud to say that I'm an Arashian/Arashist.
I will continue to love and support them until the end.
Continue to make storm ARASHI!! ^^
P.S.: I became an active fan on 2010.
Thank you for reading it ~
So what's your story on how you became a fan?