Title: Loving Severus Written for: sl_duel Challenge: a tale of misfortune Rating: R Summary: Lucius has a time turner, and uses it to go forward in time... Word Count: ~1500
I'm stunned. Out of four readers, only one saw it coming and I thought it was painfully signposted. I'm also thrilled because I hoped it worked anyway, and it's beyond my hopes that it had a twist too :)
uh, I did see it coming, sorry *g* But I loved it anyway, and I thought that Snape was going to get away with it (though it'd have been a weaker story if he had). This was really good.
to be honest, I thought it was about the most obvious plot device I've ever used. I'm not bothered by the fact that you saw it coming: I expected people to. So I'm glad it worked anyway, because that was the effect I was aiming for (obvious but still not too bad).
Well, I'm stunned it surprised anyone, especially the people (and there were a few) who knew that part of the prompt for this included the words 'mistaken identities'. So I presumed that there was no way it could be a shock. The only point was supposed to be that it surprised Lucius at the end...
Comments 13
Um, yes ^^ The beginning was also made of win, and the reversal of the usual dynamic was really clever. Wow. Good work :D
I had great fun writing it, too.
Especially as I invariably adore your writing :)
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