Hi. This is going to be epic, I think. At least it means a lot to me. And I mean that's sort of important. For what I say here to mean something to me. So umm sit back and maybe get some snacks or something.
this is how I feel about Peter Wentz.
I think I've shared this before, but I'm going to share it again. Quickly. the story of how I came to love Fall Out Boy. It all goes back to Junior year of college and my roommate at the time. Who is also and was also and is currently my best friend. She loved the FOB. Had heard of them a few years back but never got into them. But became smitten in the era of FUCT. Well this meant I listened to a lot of Fall Out Boy. And I didn't care much either way. Nothing really WON me, I never hated them. It was chill. Then IOH came out and I knew that this band was amazing. Honestly I really like that album. In paints these amazing pictures in my head. (MORE of that is totally coming with FAD form what I've seen so far.) I hid this for a while. I got into Bandom. I learned more about other bands. (we'll talk about Panic and me another day. THAT'S one funny story.) I made this journal to hide my love because I thought my best friend would get mad (we were much less mature) about me liking this music as much as her. She's rather possessive from time to time. (clearly we've grown beyond that and all is okay now. Our musical circles overlapping, but not identical so we still have our own identities.)
I never really thought about it until I was in Los Angeles. So far away from my much colder home. Walking streets and looking at things I'm sure Pete Wentz sees whenever he's home. He's BEEN in the House Of Blues where I was. Probably ate there too. He's (I'm guessing) been inside Amoeba records. I feel when I listen to his words that I relate so much. When I read he's blogs I agree so much. I find that Pete Wentz's suggestions are always amazing. It's totally dorky that I talked about this with Mike, of Hey Monday. But I totally did. Because I think Pete Wentz is really smart. A lot smarter than he gives himself credit for.
the thing about that is just last night a very good friend of mine was telling me that, in short, I was a lot smarter than I give myself credit for.
I never put two and two together before and realized how much I relate to Mr Wentz. And I do. A lot. and now I'm going to talk about it. this might be weird.
Pete really is the draw for me at this point. And it's not because he's a celebrity and it's not because he's "The cute one", it's because of these feelings I'm about to get into. I find that Pete really doesn't think he's particularly talented or skilled. He doesn't think he's really what makes things so good. And now in my opinion he IS very talented and he DOES make the so much happen. But I feel the same way about me. So perhaps this whole post is just me projecting my own things and issues onto Pete. I'm no psychologist and I've certainly never met the man. I am totally speculating here. But He and I both surround ourselves with people whom we admire and who are creative or smart and who's work we appreciate. Like how he loves every album his friends make and he tells you to go get it. I mean he really cares about these people around them and doing things to help them be successful. Lucky for him he's in a position to truly make that happen for many people. I feel this way too and I certainly surround myself with some of the most amazing and extraordinary people ever. And being surrounded by that quality and caliber of people can make you feel inferior, week and worthless. Feelings Pete has expressed much of the time. I can't even imagine being best friends with someone like Patrick Stump who sings like he does and can make music like he does- I can see feeling like I am nothing in comparison to him. But the thing Pete doesn't appear to always see in himself is that he has GREAT skills. He might not be the worlds best bassist, but he is such an ideas man. He has these amazing thoughts and plans and it blows me away every time. He knows how to sell and communicate and make people WANT what he's offering. He's passionate and he is driven to create good things and great places in the world. He wanted to get music he liked out so he got a record label. He wanted a place he could hang out and where friends could hang out too and so he got together with some other people and opened a bar. Then he opened another one in CHicago, Then he opened on in SPAIN! like what is that? That's an idea that's grown into a part of peoples lives! Angels and Kings NY is being voted on as one of the best bars in New York City. THERE ARE A LOT OF BARS IN NEW YORK CITY! This is an amazing accomplishment of that establishment and it's ability to provide a place for people that they can enjoy. It's not about Pete and his friends anymore, it's bigger than that. The same can be said of Decaydance Records. I am waiting for the day when it acts independently of any other label. It's bigger than a vanity label for Pete and his friends. It's so much bigger now. Not that it isn't still people that Pete is friends with, but just that it's...it means more than that now. Maybe it's just more than that to me, but I think not. It's making things happen for people who wouldn't have the chance otherwise. I mean that is worth a lot. He works so hard to fish the ideas out of his head and make them reality and he works with others so that it can happen. He's the puppet master in this world he's building and I'm so glad that I'm around for it. I really think that love him or hate him, everyone in our generation is going to remember Pete Wentz.
Um I've exhausted myself talking about this so I'll wrap it up. I'm really looking forward to the day when I get the chance to meet this man. I really hope I haven't built him up so much in my head to be let down by him. But I mean when someone like Cassadee (GO LISTEN TO HEY MONDAY ALL OF YOU!) who DID look up to him is now his friend, I can't imagine that he will. I mean yeah, I get even after writing all this that he isn't a god or anything. He's flawed and probably has weird isms. Who doesn't. So that's okay, that isn't what I'm talking about. I just know that meeting him is going to be an important experience for me. And I really do admire him. And I hope that I can achieve things he's accomplished.
The end.