Homeroom- The goodmornings to Mr.Smith and the smile on both of our faces.
The first two people that I love to see each and every morning..Jesse and Jessica..althougth we do get on each others nerves at times..
Passing to period one-the hellos and goodbyes
First period-goodmorning...I'll be back..to meet Karen and give each other our high fives..haha..and then meet Denisa..then it's time to learn english..opps I forgot I did not learn anything in that class.
Passing to second-Marie's locker..then off to P.E.
P.E.-basketball..Why do people tend to watch and be interested when all your doing is just standing there?
Back to Marie's locker we go,'I must say hi;nevermind.' 'you whore'..good times good times..
Nutrition-time where we relax and where madelene drinks Denisa's water..thank you :D
Third period-math.I used to love math, now I hate it. I will miss Mr.Weiss though believe it or not. I will also miss the side talks that i have with Raychel, Taylor, sometimes Auti and Heather.
Journalism-we must listen to him bitch, but you have to agree with him sometimes, we do give him a hard time. I will also miss Mr. Bratt.
Lunch time- no comment.It has been borning lately.
A Period-this is the time where I do all my forgotten homework, study and pass notes with Jesse and Jessica, god I will miss them, think about it sitting next to them for 2 years straight, and just being able to tell them everything is amazing.
History- no comment
Science- I will miss this class a lot. Denisa makes it fun and Auti and Kiana..i guess lol..
Denisa- one of the best people that I have meet throughout my life, I will miss her very much if she does not attend High School with me, you party girl.
Marie- I will miss her a lot, although we had our ups and downs.
Brenda-do you really want to know what I think she will be when she grows up..haha..she is a great person..always there to cheer you up
Taylor-I have gotten to know her better throughout this year, she is a great person, I don't know how I will survive with out her in High School.
Raychel-always there for you..especially when I feel like singing in Math..
Heather!- You gotta love her!she is awsome! i love you! <3
Mona- wow.speechless.she is awsome.second friend in Middle School.
ALEX!-first friend in middle school, is is unbelievable <3
KAREN!-I love this girl, I wouldn't change a thing about her.
Jesse-her trys to be funny..haha..no he is a wonderful friend.
Jessica-always there for me.:D
Neeki-she is wonderful
Ryan-i will miss him.
Will- i will miss him too.
Justin- He will do anything for you.:D
Michelle-she's a party girl, i will miss her
Joseph-funny funny
Zaneta- I love her
Marirose-i will miss her
Ashley-funny funny funny, i will miss her.
Elizabeth- will miss her too.
Auti-she is a little slow..haha..i will miss her too.
Kiana-she is always listening to my conversations, i will miss her though.
Shelby-she is wonderful, she'll be missed.wait i think she is going to H.S. with me!
Kristy, Grace, Bryce, Elias, Dillian, Kyle, Shatha, Megan, Jessica Saba, Saul, Taylor B., Haewon, Ho-Ji(sp), Garrett, Sam, Sarah,Kelsie,Nick, Stella,Chan, Caroline, Amy, Mary, and many more..you will all be missed..I have things to say to some of you guys..but i prefer to keep my mouth shut, or else these people will make a big deal out of everything i say