So first I'll say that Finals were last week, and yay I am so happy that they are done, and over with. Now I get a new schedule starting Tuesday, and all I have to worry about is what my mom will do to me when she gets my report card! *runs & hides*. Camille has been annoying me lately. You see I went to the mall with Kimberly, Because I admit that if I hang out with Kimberly and Camille both at the same time for a while I begin to go crazy, I like hanging out with them separately. That way I don't have to listen to them talk about Anime! So anyways Kimberly and I went to the mall and when we got back Kimberly called Camille and while they were talking Kimberly remembered that she had Korean School that she had already missed, she told Camille (who she was on the phone with) about it, and that she would be getting in trouble and Camille's response was "I don't care!".
Then Kimberly told Camille that I read a comic thing that she had drawn for me when she was bored and it offended me (I don't even remember what it was of now, I threw it away). Anyways Kimberly told Camille that I was a bit mad at her for drawing it, and Camille's response was "Good, I don't care what you two think, I am pissed at the two of you, because you guys didn't invite me to go with you to the mall, and I was hinting about it all day at school"
Now I admit she did hint about wanting to go with us, but as I said earlier I don't always like hanging out with them both at the same time! They get annoying (mostly Camille) You see whenever I go to the mall with Camille she only lets me go into The book store, and the video game stores and the CD store! Where as Kimberly lets me go into my preppy clothing stores like "Rave"! Where as Camille complains on the few times she agrees to go in those stores, and is always asking if I am done yet! At times I want to smack that girl! She doesn't even like it when I want to hang out with Tiffany, because Tiffany and I are into a lot of the same things and I have more in common with Tiffany then Camille. So I will most likely end up ditching Camille as much as I can this upcoming school week by going and hanging out with Shay! (one of my sisters friends).
In other news my dad is going to burn me a CD with songs from like 6 different CD's and take off the songs I don't like. I think he said yesterday that he would bring it over today if he finished it. Hmm...I'll have to call him later and ask him if he finished it. Anyways I'll of to read.