
Sep 19, 2004 16:26

Well normally I don't get annoyed with my sisters friends, however I am. After stumbling apon 3 and 1/4 of printed out paper I read it and discovered that my sister had a "lovely" chat with her "friend" Anna. You see Anna let Jennifer barrow a few idems of hers (a few books, a movie,  a ps2 game, a book to go with the ps2 game, and various fanfics). Well Anna needed them back (or at least the books back) a while ago, so that a friend of theirs could read the books. My sister was going to have our dad run by her house (when he took us to buy my school clothes) but our dear old dad said 'no' just like that. He didn't have time (he also had work that day). So sadly Jennifer could not take it over to her house. Apperantly Anna got mad because my sister did not call her & tell her that our dad could not drop by to give her the things she needed. 
   Now, a few months ago before Anna let my sister barrow her things, the situation was the other way around. My sister let anna barrow a movie from her (Dogma). Well in the end my sister had to go over and get her movie back from Anna herself. However now that Anna is the one in need of her things I see that Anna is demanding that my sister go over to her house and give her things to her.
  I personally think that it should be the responcably of the person who loaned out the things to find some way to get the stuff back, weather having a friend go and get it or getting it yourself. I can see my sister going over to Anna's house to get her movie, however now that things are the other way I think that Anna should be the one who has to come up with a way to come over here and get her own thigns back. Anna has also IMed me a bunch of times and asked me to go over to her house to give her the stuff my sister has back...Now first off I have no clue where Anna lives or how to get there, Second, I shouldn't even be mentioned in there little "fight"...As I see it Anna has no right to ask myself to go to her house to deliver her things when I am not even incolved in this whole thing, and Third I wouldn't go to her house to deliver her things to her even if someone payed me, and I shouldn't have to! Luckly my sisters friend has not IMed me in a few weeks...but if she does IM me again & ask me about my sisters things I will not be able to hold me anger down...I will tell her exactly how I feel, that I shouldn't even be mentioned in the first place. I personally dont care who give or comes to get the things, as long as they get out of my house, and as long and her and my sister dont involve me! (Gaa my sisters friends are annoying!). 
  Well now that I have gotten that ramble out of my system I am MUCH happyer! Now I am going to go and work on my HP/DM story, so that I can let Shay (the only one of my sisters friends who does't annoy me in some way) read it tomorrow at school!

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