Since I too have fallen in the media trap, here's my take on the Jackson verdict... Thank you Fox News (fair & balanced), for making me want to sit on the couch for 45 minutes watching this spectacle...
Apparently I'm one of the only people who thinks he didn't deserve to be sent to jail. But whatever, that family was really messed up. The story
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Brenden & Niki - I love the quotes. <3 for laughter.
Marky Mark - Can we please hang out? I need to get myself together first before I start being social. Things are crazy at work.
Amanda - You are hot. Unbreak my heart.
Aimee - I will see you are the Ross Manor! Yay!
Kody - Do me.
John - Fox News represent. Don't hate.
I hope I didn't miss anyone...
Love, Glo
♥ niki
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