I stole this from my friends journal

Oct 15, 2004 00:29

This is from my friend David Wests Journal I feel it is be true so i figured why not share it with you people.

An atheist and a theist are walking together in the woods, and they both come to a clearing. In the clearing, they see a glass orb hovering in the air, not suspended by anything and not touching anything; just hanging in the air. Naturally, they are both bewildered.

”Wow! I wonder where that came from.” Says the theist.

”Yeah, it had to have come from somewhere.” Says the atheist.

Then the theist pauses, and says “Well let me ask you a question. If that orb were twice as big, would it still have to have come from somewhere?”

”Well, yeah.” Said the atheist.

“What if it were ten times as big?”

”Yeah, sure.”

“What if it were the size of the entire universe?”

”Then no.” said the atheist.

Who is being irrational?

So tonight I will pass on yet more information that has become clear to me. The topic:

”Who caused the uncaused cause?”

This is the classic question which has literally plagued mankind for centuries; who made the universe? If it was God, then who made God?

First of all, no matter what metaphysical spin you put on things, no matter how long you think about things and no matter what or who you believe in, SOMETHING HAS TO HAVE COME FROM NOTHING, IE the uncaused cause. To explore that, we must look at the three possible reasons for existence, or rather the three possible origins of everything in the universe. Everything is either CAUSED, meaning created by something, UNCAUSED, meaning eternal without a beginning, or SELF-CAUSED.

The first thing you notice when looking at these three possible origins is that SELF-CAUSED is self-terminating. Something self-caused would have to not exist to need to be caused, and it would have to exist to do the causing. This means that in order to be self caused, something must both exist and not exist at the same time; therefore, this is fundamentally flawed.

As we continue, we next see caused. This is perfectly acceptable; you see a cookie. Is it uncaused? No, it was caused by a cookie maker. A bench was caused by a bench maker, you were caused by your parents, and they were caused by their parents, so on and so forth.

And finally, we come to uncaused, and be careful with this one, because if you don’t handle it properly you’ll end up tying your brain in a knot and you may never recover. Going back to the beginning, SOMETHING HAS TO HAVE COME FROM NOTHING. Why? Because, if we are all caused, and everything we see is caused, and all we can perceive is caused, we will eventually come to the origin, and how then will we explain who caused the first cause? One common belief that contradicts this is that the universe is in fact uncaused and infinite; however this is not true. Science shows that the universe was in fact caused, IE the “Big Bang Theory”. Granted this is a theory (just like EVOLUTION), however science has PROVEN that the universe is currently running out of energy. The expansion of the universe is slowing and the ultimate amount of ENERGY in the universe is depleting. (Side note: This proves that the pantheistic concept of God is incorrect). The universe is not uncaused OR infinite.

Moving on, any line of questioning regarding the origins of, well, everything, will eventually lead you back to the universe. This is where the problem comes in: as I just said, the universe is also caused! So then, what caused the universe? The only plausible answer is that something NON-PHYSICAL, something UNCAUSED and something INFINITE caused the universe. Well, what was it? The theistic infinite God that exists outside of the time and space spectrum wherein our world lies. That is “what”.

So, obviously, my initial question is in fact a nonsense-statement. The question “Who caused the uncaused cause?” does not make sense. It’s just like asking “When did the bachelor stop beating his wife?” or “How does the blue taste?”

To recap, something uncaused and infinite has to have caused all things caused. All things that we perceive are caused, INCLUDING THE UNIVERSE. Therefore, the universe and everything therein was CAUSED by an UNCAUSED being. How do I know it was God, as I mentioned above? That, my friends, is a different article. COMING SOON!

* The universe is not running out of or depleting energy in the sense of losing energy out of some hole in the bottom of the sink. Matter & energy is proceeding, according to the 2nd law of thermodynamics, into a state of lower and lower levels of energy (in the sense of being more spread out, cooler or thinner), until a state of absolute lack of motion will be arrived at (in trillions of years or something), which is termed in physics as "heat death". That is to say, every release of energy from a fire, the sun, or your muscles, loses some energy permanently into a state where it can no longer be of any use or be detected. However, the overall amount of matter and energy (being at the end of the day the same thing), remains constant. In this scenario the universe keeps expanding forever and the stars die out and everything is black and cold and eventually all motion comes to a halt.*
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