The mae shi make me dance around in my underwear like john winthrop preaching the jeremiad. fire and brimstone lace and elastic. fantastic. won't you come dance with me?
Last night I slipped on some ice and cracked my head open. I bled for a few hours and refused to go to the ER. I made sure I didn't have a concussion and called it a night
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I amputated my index finger while sewing a shirt. I'm a liar I still have all my fingers but I wish something interesting like that would happen so I'd have something to talk about.
I'm going to bloomington tomorrow night to visit the Lincoln Drinkin' crew. If anyone wants a ride hit up the cell sometime tomorrow.
Went to PUSH today and actually had a good experience. Good news is I'm not dying. Bad news is I have a severe upper respiratory infection with acute sinusitis. GO ME
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