Survey with questions by me! fill it out and be cool.
When adults ask you what you want to do with your life, you answer:
I don't know. Something with music.
You got a livejournal because:
I don't know, i've had one for like forever though,
If you were to get a tattoo, where would you get it and what would it be of:
I would get it behind my ear, between my hairline and ear , and it would be a teeny star.
Describe the first person that pops into your head in 4 words or less:
Amazing, cool, fun, random
How many songs Do you have on iTunes:
And how many of those songs are PIRATED? (Arrrgh):
like 10?
What are your favourite 'kicks':
The new chucks I got for my birthday!
Fill in the blank "golly! you've got super cool ________":
eyes :)
If you were going to be in a band, what would it be called:
Well, sam and I are already in a band, and we're called either, lets clean, or Chyeah
what kind of music would you play?:
beatboxing randomness ska indie music, thats what.
Which is better: Natural Or Artificial light:
duracell or energizer batteries:
Europe or Asia:
the letter J or Q:
yes or no:
gravity or anti-gravity:
Yellow or Mauve:
tomato or carrot:
If you owned a company that made/sold something, what would it be called?:
Left of centre
What would you sell?:
clothing and bags. Designed by me!
Whats your Rapper name?:
If you were stuck on a desert island, what is something that you would NOT take with you?:
a sandbox.