Eurovision 2008!

May 23, 2008 09:18

Okay, so I'm watching Eurovision on Youtube...but I don't know if it's the Eurovision that everyone else (in Europe) is watching XD

So here's what I've seen so far:

Israel: Damn! This was a good act. The guy was really attractive and he had a great voice. It wasn't showy or over-the-top or flashy. I really liked it :D

Greece: Eh. Kind of boring. It sounded like a Britney Spears song. Although I did like the intro where the people were making out and their shirts next to each other looked like the Greek flag! That was really cool.

Armenia: It was a catchy song and I liked the beat, but she almost sounded like she was screaming at parts. I like the choreography a lot.

....well, I just found the results so that's cool!

Bosnia and Herzegovina

I'm surprised that Ireland didn't make it. Seriously XD I think I was one of the only people who liked the song haha.

I saw snippets of the other acts. Bosnia and Herzegovina was good. I liked Romania's too. The guy from Russia is hot. He looks like Gael Garcia Bernal, whom I LOVE haha.

Norway's song bored me, as did Poland's. Is it just me...or is Poland's song a cover of another song?!!? Are you serious?! Didn't they have another entry in a previous version where they were all crazy metal? Or was that Denmark... Speaking of WTF, Azerbaijan's act was weird haha.

So yeah, I'm excited to see the rest of this! It's kind of funny HOW excited I am...seeing as I couldn't care less about American Idol.

Can anyone tell me when the next round is? I want to be in the loop :P
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