Originally posted by
twbasketcase at
Mississippi Personhood AmendmentOriginally posted by
gabrielleabelle at
Mississippi Personhood AmendmentReposted because this shit deserves more coverage. Ahem.
Mississippi is voting on November 8th on whether to pass Amendment 26, the "Personhood Amendment". This amendment would grant fertilized eggs and fetuses personhood status.
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Comments 4
This whole thing just sounds like a way to criminalize women for being women. Men aren't at risk for any of this - men don't get pregnant, men don't risk anything by not using a condom except an STD. What does the law say about the other half of the DNA of this new person they're trying to protect? Are the fathers going to be charged of criminal neglect by abandoning their pregnant girlfriends who will then probably end up killing themselves with a failed at-home abortion?
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