Felix Laureano is a Spaniard who travelled the Philippine Islands towards the end of the 19th. He took photographs of the Indios and gave commentary on his photos. One of these photos is entitled "En el bano" with the following praise (if not critique) on the early Pinoy's love for bathing:
"In no country is the bath used with so much frequency
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Comments 5
The beauty of that walk in the rain was that--a taxi driver took us for a ride going through the exit of Commonwealth avenue. When we were about to pay him, he declined and said--"It is all right. I really made you ride because I saw you drenched."
There are still good Samaritans these days. ;-)
that's why products like hand sanitizers and oil face-papers thrive. you'd be hard pressed to find such things elsewhere. there isn't even rubbing alcohol here (which i use on my hands after every smoke...)
people always ask me with such interest what it is im spraying on my hands. kalowka. aliw actually. i also don't think any other people understand the concept of how attractive being "mabango" is... =D
Thanks Bhav for the commentary. Coming from an "in-India" perspective, shows how some practices are peculiar to Filipinos.
And yes, mabango people are very sexy...
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