yea yea yea i kno i cant spell its VALEMTIMES DAY and i have a VALEMTIME. oh yea skippy yea skippy and thanks for the cards i have to go sorry i couldent type any more
allo, i wouldnt go back on my word of payback, i'm just curious as to what you think you owe me for. and when are you and steffy going to Ohio? meh. i also thought you should know that i am really proud of you. it's just that although you may be overwelmed about ezeekial, you are still there for him, and there are alot of guys who wouldn't be. you'll be a good dad, but just so you know, should you ever get me pregnant, i will slit your throat. dont get me wrong, kids are great, i just don't want any. well, now that i've slipped a death threat in with a compliment, my job is done. toodles!
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