Title: Straight Lines and Curve Balls - Chapter 12
Fandom: NCIS
Beta: Unbetaed. But I proofread obsessively, if that helps?
Rating: R
Genre: Slash, humour, a little light angst
Pairing: Gibbs/DiNozzo
Disclaimer: I don't own any of them, more's the pity. If I did I'd share...
Description: In which Gibbs is feeling the heat.
Warnings: None
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Comments 20
Oh, I love this so much. It defines their relationship so well. And if they could just get beyond their fears, and take that next brave step forward, I think they would see that it wouldn't change that basic core of their relationship at all. Just add another dynamic.
Oh, and I love Gibbs description of Tony's smile. It is dangerous, and pretty much puts me in full swoon.
Loving this.
"a warm, comfortable, easy drunk that just needed a log fire. And a rug. And a locked door." And then to lead up to this - Whew! Such a lovely visual that then goes RED HOT! Beautiful and emotionally powerful. You did a great job of showing the build-up:D
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