also: it's a shame people don't really use LJ anymore. I like tumblr and everything but friends-only post are a massive plus point. How many people still read their friends page? I do.
I still read my friends page every day, even though I don't update as much anymore! I'll never use a tumblr, it's all about posting photos and one-liners, not 'real' journal entries.
It does seem like lj is a dying art. I check my friends page shockingly often, though for some reason I've put off replying to anything until now, hence the comment spree.
tumblr is great. but nothing beats lj for a rant or getting things off your chest. I have so much I'd like to say on here, I think I'm just overwhelmed at how much that is, how long it'll take, and trying to keep it all in keeping with how I've kept this over the last almost-decade. Rather than just doing, which would probably be the best plan!
Comments 12
tumblr is great. but nothing beats lj for a rant or getting things off your chest. I have so much I'd like to say on here, I think I'm just overwhelmed at how much that is, how long it'll take, and trying to keep it all in keeping with how I've kept this over the last almost-decade. Rather than just doing, which would probably be the best plan!
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