Hello all you awesome writers, readers and artists! (also not forgetting all you stalkers out there!)
It's the time of month again where I flashback to some earlier pieces for you all to enjoy
So without any further time wasting, here we go!
Brought to us by -
foreverasmosherhere -
http://foreverasmosher.livejournal.com/2656.html Art
Amazingly drawn by -
theboycouldflysexy stuff -
http://ianthony-love.livejournal.com/212529.html#cutid1 Fluff
Written by -
smoshluvHere you gooo -
http://smoshluv.livejournal.com/3160.html Smut
Ta-da! Thanks to -
usrnamesarecoolclickyclicky -
http://usrnamesarecool.livejournal.com/7474.html Thanks eveyone! Hope you all enjoy! :D As per usual leave any suggestions for Ian is bored Fanfic Flashback!
See you next time
Also I realized I missed it last week, sorry, so much shit going on atm I couldn't find ANY time to do it, but I promise, it was a one off! 8)