Title: The Cactus Where Your Heart Should Be
iantojjackhCharacters: Tosh and Owen
Summary: Owen seemed to have misplaced it heart
Warnings/Spoilers: none
Disclaimer: See profile
Notes: 19th fill for the challenge. Written for the
tw100 challenge: Open using the old prompt Magnetic Fields titles.
The Cactus Where Your Heart Should Be
Tosh rubbed her hand which was site from slapping Owen across the face. "You insensitive prick. There is a cactus where you heart should be." Tears spilled forth from Tosh's eyes. She never felt so hurt and humiliated before in her life.
"You're right, I'm a right prat." That clearly was the wrong thing to say as Owen was met with a high-heel in his foot.
"Can't you take anything seriously?"
"I'm not good with the feelings thing. The barbs around my heart are cemented there. I'm trying, but I can't make any promises. Please be patient."
Tosh nodded through her tears.