Tripped Up

Dec 31, 2014 20:42

Title: Tripped Up
Author: iantojjackh
Rating: G
Characters: Jack, Ianto and Owen
Summary: Something is not right in the Hub.
Notes: Yes, I'm back after a very long spell. Cant promise there will be more. This is also written for tw100" challenge: Ate too much. This is for tardisjournal and merlottetrollop, since they are the ones who inspired this.
tripped up )

ianto, tw100, jack, drabble, crack, owen

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Comments 14

too_beauty January 1 2015, 05:01:06 UTC
awww cutie kittie!


iantojjackh January 5 2015, 21:15:48 UTC
thanks. IT's ianto. Of course he'd be cute.


badly_knitted January 1 2015, 12:13:52 UTC
Yay! You're back drabbling! WOOHOO! *hugs*

This cracked me up! It's easy to tell when Ianto's been stuffing himself, lol! It's a good thing Jack wasn't affected, he'd be almost permanently in cat form the way he eats!


iantojjackh January 15 2015, 14:56:28 UTC
Sorry I took so long. I started replying to comments at work one day and got pulled away and then forgot to finish.


There might be times JAck tries to overfeed Ianto so he can get a cuddly cat to cuddle with.


badly_knitted January 15 2015, 19:06:52 UTC
That's okay *hugs*

Yeah, it wouldn't surprise me, though personally I'd rather snuggle with cuddly Ianto in man form ;)


owensheart January 1 2015, 14:10:49 UTC
Lol poor ianto or should that be poor Owen if he gets anywhere near cat/ianto.

great story


iantojjackh January 5 2015, 21:16:22 UTC
LOL thanks. It's poor owen he he crosses Ianto's path,


tardisjournal January 1 2015, 14:21:49 UTC
ROFL! I'm sure Ianto makes an adorable cat. An adorable, cranky, fat cat. :-p

So where can I get one of those spheres? I think it'd be nice to be a cat once in awhile. And if it wasn't, well, that would help me keep my eating in check, wouldn't it? :-p

I'm a bit overwhelmed that our new foundling has only been with us 24 hours and she's already someone's muse! This bodes well for her, us and you!

Happy New Year!


iantojjackh January 5 2015, 21:15:21 UTC

I want one too, would be fun to be a cat for a while.

Hope the new kitty is doing well. Happy new year.


asia27 January 1 2015, 21:27:19 UTC
LMAO! Ianto-cat; how long will it take him to change back? :D

Love your new background color (easier on the eyes).


iantojjackh January 5 2015, 21:09:33 UTC
thanks. He turns back when the food gets digested, but until then hes nice and fluffy and cuddly.


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