Title: Porth Teigr
iantojjackh &
timelordshinesRating: G
Characters: Team Torchwood
Summary: The rift is doing funny things again.
Disclaimer: Not ours. Just borrowing
Notes: written for
tw100 challenge: Feline. E-cookies for first to get what the title means.
Porth Teigr
A loud roar echoed through the empty Plass, loud enough to be heard in the hub below.
“What was that?”
“We're getting reports of a big cat being seen in the bay…”
“Ianto, check the police scanners and news feeds, see if anything escaped from the zoo?”
“Tosh, get it on cctv - I need to see it.”
“That is not from around here,” Tosh pointed to purple and neon green striped tiger-like creature that stalked around the restaurants of Mermaid Quay.
“Ianto, where did we put the dinosaur nets?”
“Myfanwy borrowed them for her nest.”
“We're gonna need them back”