Dreams of the Captain

Jun 28, 2012 19:18

Title: Dreams of the Captain
Rating: G
Pairing: Jack/Ianto
Spoilers: None
Warnings: None
Notes: Written for the prompt at comment_fic  Torchwood, any, Fairy tale.  It was supposed to be 100 words, but it went a few over. Enjoy and leave a comment. Thank you.

Dreams of the Captain

Jack dismounted his horse and put his hands upon his hips and loudly proclaimed, “I’m here to wake handsome prince Ianto from his slumber at the hands of Queen Toshiko. Who will show me the way?”

“I’ll show you the way.” Peasant Owen stepped from the crowd and offered his services.

The two walked for an hour until they came to a small clearing. “The prince awaits,” the small man bowed and disappeared.

“Tis time to awaken.” Jack knelt down and kissed the sleeping prince.

“Oi, Jack. Getoff,” Ianto pushed the older man off him. “Not the Snow White dream again? That’s the third time this week.”

humor, ianto, jack, comment_fic, drabble, torchwood

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