Title: Site for Sore Eyes - Chapter 29
Author: iantosdreamer46
Genre: AU
Pairings/Characters: Ianto/Jack, Tosh/Owen, Gwen/Rhys, Chris/Damien
Summary:Jack is the owner of a construction company and has been asked by his two friends to build their new house in Cardiff. Ianto goes to work for Jack after leaving London and his ex girlfriend.
Rating: NC-17
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Comments 22
Ianto's mom is awesome. I live how accepting she is and how comfortable Ianto is talking to her about Jack. He's come a long way in a very short time. He's going to have to move in with Jack. Otherwise, neither of them will get any sleep at all and that wouldn't be good working on a construction site.
As for your posting schedule, I'm sure we all agree you can post as often as you like and no one here is going to mind in the least. In fact, I whole-heartedly encourage you to knock yourself out and throw the boys at us any old time you want. You'll hear no objections from me.
Darn, how on earth I 've never such kind of meeting???!!!! mine are always boring and surrounded by old teachers .....
looking forward to reading about their "meeting" soon!
They aren't going to be missing each other very much for very long.
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