Title: Sea of Love - Chapter 9
Author: iantosdreamer46
Genre: AU
Pairings/Characters: Ianto/Jack, Tosh/Tommy, Owen, Martha Jones
Summary: Jack is the Foreman at a shipyard in Belfast. They are building what is rumoured to be the biggest and best cruise liner of all time - The Titanic. Ianto arrives at the shipyard having left Cardiff quickly to get away from his family and his ex-girlfriend, Lisa.
Rating: NC-17 Overall
Wordcount: 2,059
Disclaimer: I own none of the characters, they belong to the BBC and RTD, I just like to experiment with them from time to time.
A/N This AU is a subject close to my heart. Having researched the history of it for English lessons at school, I decided to give it the Jack and Ianto treatment. I hope I do it justice and that you all enjoy it.
A/N2 Apologies for any of you who are getting this multiple times, it's cross posted.
Ianto looked around the warehouse as he approached Jack’s door. There appeared to be no-one else in the building. Just to make it more convincing he knocked on the door. He’d noticed Jack had drawn the blinds in his office.
“Come in!” Jack bellowed.
Ianto tentatively opened the door. Trying not to smile as he entered, not knowing if anyone was about.
Louder than was normal Jack said “Ah Mr Jones, come in we need to sort some things out.” Jack was trying his hardest not to laugh. “Close the door Jones I don’t want this broadcasting around the shipyard.”
As Ianto turned to close the door he noticed Sam entering the warehouse a questioning look on his face. Ianto nodded he was ok, then closed the door.
Jack was immediately in front of Ianto, arms snaking around him, pulling him close. “Oh God Yan, this is going to be so hard.”
Ianto could feel himself reacting to the closeness of Jack, “mmm there’s something else getting harder too.” He smiled and rubbed up against Jack.
“Oh yeah!” Jack smiled and reached a hand between them rubbing the front of Ianto’s trousers causing the young man to moan. “I’ll sort that out properly tonight. Oh Yan I….I felt really bad talking to you like that earlier.” He left his hand on Ianto’s arousal, feeling his own beginning.
Ianto felt Jack’s reaction and pulled him closer. The older man moaned softly as the friction from his hand rubbed lightly over it.
“Oh Jack, I….god this is going to sound so stupid but….when I left Martha’s this morning I felt as though someone had kicked me in the gut.” He moaned slightly, “that feels good.” He looked into the blue grey eyes he loved so much. “I felt empty Jack. I missed holding you and kissing you. Then this pretence, I’m not sure I’m going to be able to keep it up. Do you know how long till we sail?” He moaned again as Jack pressed just that little be harder on the front of Ianto’s trousers.
Feeling his own arousal pushing against his hand “Nnngh….no my love, not yet. Oh God, I’ve got to stop this.” He moved his hand away and Ianto whimpered at the loss. “As much as I want to stroke you, touch you. If I carry on we’re both going to be in a mess, then how do we explain the reason?”
“I don’t want you to stop. I want you to….”
There was a knock at the door, both men taking deep breaths Jack quickly positioning himself behind his desk. Thankful that he could sit down as the bulge at the front of his trousers would take some explaining. He noticed Ianto’s and motioned the man to try to do something to calm himself down. Ianto managed to stand just behind the open door. Whoever it was coming in would have to look around the door to see him. He hoped that this was enough. Jack seemed to agree and nodded.
There was another knock. They had to do some quick thinking. “Mr Jones!” Jack said slightly louder than was necessary, as he didn’t know who was outside.
The knock again. “Come in!” Jack shouted, trying to sound annoyed that he’d been interrupted.
“Mr Jones, I have to say….” He looked at who had just come through the door. “Ah Doc, I’m in the middle of a conversation here. What’s so important that you have to disturb me?”
“I’m sorry Jack, but Mr Ismay has been looking for you. It’s about the lifeboats.”
“Oh, right, erm. Tell him I’ll be out in one minute. I’ve just got to finish up here.” He looked at Ianto, hoping his face was stern enough to convince Owen.
“Right, I’ll erm, yeah. I’ll tell him you’ll be right out.”
“Thanks Owen, I’m sorry you got caught up in this….this situation.”
“It’s ok Jack, remember what I said earlier?”
“Yeah, and Owen….thanks.”
Owen left them. Ianto breathing a sigh of relief. He’d not realised but he’d been holding his breath. “That was close Cariad.”
Jack smiled at the way Ianto spoke that word. Now he knew what it meant, it made him smile. “yeah, we’re going to have to be extra careful. Oh shit Yan, this is really difficult.”
“Hey Jack” Ianto was at the side of him, perched on the edge of his desk. “Listen Cariad, you need to find out when we sail, that way we’ll know how long this charade is going to last.”
“Yeah. I had better see what Ismay wants.”
“Oh, by the way Jack, I need to talk to you about the lifeboats.”
“It’ll have to wait, I can’t keep Ismay waiting.”
“Mmm that’s ok, we can talk tonight when we’re at home.” Ianto smiled, “I’m gonna miss you this afternoon.”
“Oh I’ll miss you too sweetheart.”
Ianto leant down and kissed Jack, his tongue lightly grazing over Jack’s lips. Lips that parted willingly to allow entry. Their kiss deepened until they heard a crash outside.
Breaking apart, “I’m sorry Jack, I shouldn’t have done that.”
“Yes you should. Besides it’s an appetiser for what’s to come tonight.”
“Oh there’ll be plenty more where that came from. I just wanted to give you something to keep you going this afternoon.”
“It certainly will do that, thank you.”
They heard shouting from the warehouse.
“We had better go before anyone becomes suspicious, and you need to go see Mr Ismay.”
“You’re right, ok let’s put on a good show. You ready?”
Ianto nodded and Jack kissed him lightly. Jack opened his office door.
“If, Mr Jones, I see you not working to your full potential.” Jack noticed Sam and Owen stop picking up the fitting they’d dropped, he raised his voice a little more, “I will have you transferred out of here you’ll never know what hit you. Am. I. Clear?”
Ianto was trying not to laugh, “yes Sir.” He winked at Jack and left to help Owen and Sam.
Jack took a deep breath hoping the two men believed them. As he walked past the three of them he tried to glare at Ianto who, because Owen and Sam were concentrating on picking things up, winked at Jack causing a smile to twitch on the Captain’s face.
After Jack had left the warehouse Sam was the first to speak. “You ok Ianto?”
“Yeah, nothing I can’t handle.”
He was thinking about their reactions when Jack had held him tightly.
“Look, if you want, I’ll have a word with Jack.”
“No!....Sorry Owen, didn’t mean to bite your head off. Look I’ve realised I need to stay away from Jack, it’s not going to be easy, but things are moving along quickly now so we shouldn’t be too long finishing. If I keep my head down, get on with my work then he shouldn’t have anything to pull me up about. I’ll just have to do everything by the book and not give him anything to complain about.”
“Ok, look, we’re here if you need someone to stand in your corner for you.”
“Thanks guys you’re good friends.” He smiled at the two men and got back to helping them tidy up.
The afternoon seemed to drag, they hadn’t seen anymore of Jack since they’d been in the warehouse. The claxon finally sounded for the end of the day and as Owen, Ianto, Sam and Chris were heading towards the warehouse Tommy came rushing towards them.
“Hey guys, the Captain’s called a meeting in five minutes he reckons he’s got some good news.” He dashed off to find more of the crew.
“What do you think’s going on?”
“Don’t know Doc, but let’s go find out. Look I’m going to stand at the back, that way when he’s finished his speech I can disappear.”
“Ok Ianto.”
“Sam, Chris I’ll see you at home.” He didn’t want to walk with them, didn’t want to answer any more of their questions. They waited in the warehouse for Jack to speak.
“Right gentlemen, I’ve just come from a meeting with Mr Ismay and Mr Andrews. The testing of the lifeboats went well this afternoon and I’m pleased to tell you that we are on schedule to take her out on a sea trial on the first of April. That’s six days from now gents. I, along with Mr Andrews and Mr Ismay want to thank you all for the hard work you’ve done to get us to this place. I know some of that time hasn’t been easy and we have lost some good friends and colleagues, but I know they would be happy that we have got to this point in the production. Once again thank you gentlemen for all your hard work. Let’s just give it one extra push ready for the first of the month. Go home tonight and congratulate yourselves and I’ll see you all tomorrow.”
A low level murmuring was heard as the men left the warehouse, smiles all around. Ianto managed to slip away and on his way back to Martha’s thought about what he would say to Jack about the lifeboats. He had to tell him of his fears, but also didn’t want to sound foolish.
He arrived back at Martha’s still thinking about how he was going to tell Jack.
“Evening Ianto, you on your own?”
“What? Oh hi Martha, yeah, Sam and Chris won’t be too far behind. I just had some thinking to do.”
“Anything I can help you with?”
“No, but thanks anyway.”
“It’s not something to do with you and Jack is it. Everything is ok in that department?”
“We’re fine Martha, I just missed walking home with him today. It was difficult at work, keeping up our performance, but as soon as the boys get here I’m going to excuse myself and go to him.”
“I’ll cover for you if you want to go now.”
“No, they’ll think it strange if they don’t see us together.”
“Ok, it’s going to be alright you know, once you’re on board nothing will be able to separate you anymore.”
Ianto grinned. “yeah, I know and we’ve found out today that the sea trial is set for the first of the month, so if everything goes well then we should be sailing some point next month.”
“That’s brilliant. You and Jack are going to have a fantastic life together in New York.”
Ianto hugged Martha just as the door opened and Sam came in with Chris not far behind.
“Oh so this is why you didn’t want to walk with us. You wanted some time alone with Martha.” Sam laughed.
Martha felt Ianto tense “Just play along, it’s more ammunition for them to tell Owen.” She whispered.
Ianto smiled and turned around to face the two men. “It’s the only time I can get with you two here.”
“Well you only have to say if you want us to make ourselves scarce. We can go out for the night if you want to….you know?” They laughed and Martha and Ianto blushed.
“Oh Ianto we know what you’re thinking.” Chris exclaimed seeing the pink tinge in both their cheeks.
“Now boys, we don’t kiss and tell do we honey?”
“Erm….no….no we don’t.”
Martha could sense the atmosphere becoming awkward. “Right boys dinner will be ready in about ten minutes, so you need to go get cleaned up.”
“Yes Ianto?”
“I’m really sorry, but would you mind if I didn’t eat tonight. I can feel a headache coming on. If I eat then I’m likely to be ill and I don’t want to spoil your hard work and your wonderful cooking.”
“No worries honey, what are you going to do?”
“I thought I’d go for a walk to try and clear my head. I won’t be too long. I’ll be ok.”
“Alright, you take your time. I’ll see you later.” She leant over and kissed him.
“We’re going to the pub later Ianto if you feel up to it you could join us.”
“Thanks boys, but I think I’ll just come home and go to bed.”
“Oh yeah, we understand.” They laughed, winking, suggesting Ianto was coming back to go to bed with Martha. He didn’t correct them. Let them think that, it all added to their story.
Chapter 10