It is said that when you put your tipi up for the first time, you should be aware of your surroundings.
The totem for that lodge, the animal that will protect and provide for it AND you, will make itself known.
We set up our lodge the first time at our dear late friend Two Dog's place in Arrow Rock, Mo.
As soon as we had the poles up and the canvas on the first time, Dog took off in a dead run for the house.
He was going for his video camera.
I don't know what ya'll know about Great Blue Herons.
They do not flock.
They are mating pairs and solitaries.
However, near rookeries they will gather ONCE each year.
We got a
still photo of what Dog was taping.
When we related this story to Ed McGaa, also known as Eagle Man, a Lakota who came to Heartland for the year of Turtle Island (it was the first year we camped in the lodge), he was moved.
We had pitched the lodge right by the old pavillion, so it was a backdrop to his teachings that Natives needed to share their wisdom with whoever lives in this place. It is not THEIR wisdom to tuck away. it is the wisdom of the grandfather and grandmother, who are the parents of the white people now, too.
He gifted me a book, and asked me to paint Black Elk's colors on the lodge.
What an honor.
He also named it in Lakota - hokagicatoe tipi - the home of the Blue Herons.
He wanted herons painted around the bottom below Black Elk's colors.
Unfortunately I never fulfilled the request, although I planned to do it many times; and the gift has also vanished.
The lodge is now old and in disrepair, and will not hold its family again.
It guarded us well for so many years against sun and storm.
He made another request of me.
He explained WHY Natives have long hair.
He asked me, if I was serious about honoring the spirits, to not cut MY hair for 10 years.
I managed to fulfill that one.
Make your promises to granfather and grandmother carefully; treat them with honor...and Joy.