Ginko is from a canon known as Mushishi. I took him from the end of the seventh book, which isn't quite the end of his canon (though it is the last time we see Tanyuu).
However, this Ginko is also from a memory loss game known as
edensphere, where he went by the name 'Cloud'. Though he'll introduce himself as Ginko, he'll still answer to that name... if only because there's the slightest chance anyone asking after 'Cloud' will be a friend from Edensphere. Also, he has a cat, named after a friend of his from canon, Adashino. I often forget about this cat. Not sure what I'm going to do about it yet. :|a
More facts about Ginko! He can canonically see in the dark, about as well as a cat or a night-hunting predator, not well enough to read a book but certainly better than the majority of humans. He can also see mushi, which are weird critters that probably won't turn up here. Think of them as supernatural bacteria and viruses, that's the least complex way to describe them. Here, have Ginko talking about them.
Click to view
...but unless mushi turn up in Scorched for some reason, this won't matter unless that ability one day mutates to something more useful/less specific :o Finally, in Scorched, he's going to be gifted with a healing ability. And because I favor the notion that everything has to come from somewhere, he'll have a limit to his ability--small wounds at first, and if he tries for more he'll pass out from energy loss. This ability will grow with time/practice.
Here, have my favorite AMV.
Click to view
One last thing... during his time in Edensphere, Ginko received a few dreams (one because he died), and several canon memories. I have the links posted here for the curious and my own convenience.
First birthdream |
Second birthdream/first deathdream |
Dreamdust dream (reaction) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
First memory |
Fourth Floor Memory |
Second memory |
Third memory |
Fourth memory (event) |
Fifth memory |
Sixth memory |
Seventh memory (movie theater) |
Eighth memory (movie theater)