Prompt 001 Ethos

Jan 28, 2016 20:34

Title The Medium is the Message

Author landofthekwt

Rating K

Prompt Ethos

Word Count 546

Warning none

Summary Inuyasha finds the change in Miroku to be miraculous

Inuyasha watched with fascination as Miroku worked his magic Once he had disdained the methods that Miroku used. He viewd the monk as a man without honor who cheated men out of their money and women out of their kimonos.

Today he understood. Miorku was no longer that man. He might use the same methods and produce the same results but he was doing it with a higher goal in mind Providing for his family.

The basic flimflam was still there Fleecing lords out of all theri gotten gain. Inuyasha now understood. The money he took from the lords did not actually hurt them. They would not go to bed hungry because of the money Miroku took from them

For the most part the youkai they evicted were not a danger to the lords. The lords simply wanted them to move on. Miroku was there to evict them. Inuyasha was there to dispose of them. Charging whatever the market would bear.

The task of protecting the poor villagers from low level youaki who lived to kill was left to Kohaku That was his cross to bear. Once he had been just like the mindless killers. Now he atoned by protecting the very people he once would have killed.

It was family man Miroku that proved to Inuyasha that MIroku had changed. The money from the exorcisms was used to feed and clothe his ever growing family He no longer asked every woman to bear his child Only Sango.

The children were his pride and joy He would never tolerate someone like him asking his daughters to bear his children. They were his to love and protect The sea change from the old Miroku.

Although MIroku was using the same methods and achieving the same results, the message was completely different. Before Miroku appeared a thief . Now he was doing what he could to support his family.

None of the lords could claim they had been cheated. Miorku did exactly what he said that he would . He twisted no arms. The lords were free to go they wanted a cheaper solution

Instead business was booming. The lords could not pay him enough to rid themselves of the youkai problem It was simply a matter of supply and demand Youkai were everywhere thanks to the civil war. They were pests and Miroku and Inuyasha were exterminators.

Miroku showed him that there was a way to achieve good results using the same method that he used before, The difference was that they was used for the good of his family

Was Miroku a different man? He used the same methods as before. Achieved the same results as before. The only thing changed was that he was now the husband of Sango and the father of two adorable children. Once he thought that Miroku was nothing but a thief and a pervert. He still saw the thief on road, but he was only a pervert around Sango. It was a miracle He would never have believed that Miroku could change All because of Sango

It gave Inuyasha hope. If he waited for Kagome,Someday the home and family which Miroku found could be his. The method and the means were right in front of he needed was his own miracle.

ib4y2.0#001, @landofthekwt

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