Spoilers For Episodes 17 and 18

Feb 08, 2007 18:15

I'm just trying to get caught up here, so here are spoilers for 217 and 218.

Episode 217 is called Heart In the episode a werewolf puts the moves on Sammy. I also heard Sammy has to kill her. Unfortunately, we did not get any sides for this episode.

Sides for episode 218 “Hollywood Babylon”

Sides for Tara/Wendy


Ext. Ominous Wood-Night

Dark, impenetrable tree trunks surround a dilapidated, decaying cabin.

The cabin door opens…and Wendy, 21, blonde, steps out into the woods. Moving in the slow, frightened way that girls do in horror movies. Her flashlight quivers in her hand, the beam cutting through the gloomy darkness.

Wendy: (Choked with terror) Mitch?...Ashley? You out here?

A long, predatory beat…she skims her flashlight across the trees. When suddenly-

A hand clamps onto her shoulder! Wendy screams!

It’s only Brody (21, generic handsome, hair carefully tousled). He has a cut on his forehead. He panics.

Brody: Ashley…And Todd…They’re dead, Wendy-(‘game over, man’) They’re dead!

Wendy recovers, tries to calm him.

Wendy: Brody! Get it together-

Brody: (freaking out) Get it together?! We got no chance! We got to get out of here! Now-

Wendy: We can’t leave. (A heroine’s response) We’ve got to find my sister-

Brody shakes his head, backing away.

Brody: No way, man. I’m outta here.

Wendy: (calls after him) Brody! Come back! Brody!

Wendy’s anger breaks and she sobs, terrified. Alone.

Wendy: You son of a bitch…

Creepy POV. Emerges from behind a tree trunk. It’s jittery, handheld, clearly a monster, moving in on her.

We intercut this with Wendy…oblivious to the impending danger. Until-

Close on Wendy. Behind her, she hears an unearthly exhale. She pivots, slowly, fear mounting, then screams; but her scream is oddly lackluster, under-impressed-

Angle past her-to the specter: it’s a scrawny P.A. with a blank, ready-for-lunch expression, holding a C-Stand Rod with a tennis ball affixed to the end.

Wendy’s scream trails out weakly.

McG: (O.S.) Cut!

The set bell rings. ‘Wendy’ sags. She’s actually Tara, a young actress performing in a horror movie.

Walter Dixon, a round, be-spectacled, what appears to be PA, comes up, hands Tara a Snapple.

Walter Dixon: Here you go.

Tara: (discouraged) Thanks Walter.

Widen to take in the bustle of a film soundstage. Those aren’t real trees-just fake trunks cut off at the top. That isn’t moonlight…just overhead B.F.L.’s.

McG, the director, walks from the monitors, nods, positive. His assistant trails him, holding a large binder.

McG: It’s all good, Tara. That was great. But let’s go again, maybe try dialing up that scream.

Tara: I know. I’m just having a little trouble. With the tennis ball.

McG gives a dismissive wave to the PA and the tennis ball.

McG: It’s only for CG registration-When Ivan and the FX boys are done, it’s gonna be terrifying-

McG turns to his assistant, who rifles through the binder.

McG: You want to look over the concept sketch again?

The assistant holds up an over-the-top ghost concept sketch.

Tara: No, I’m fine. I’ll find it.

McG: I know you will.

The 1st Assistant Director [Maggie, 30’s, mullet, appears to be lesbian] calls the crew into action.

Maggie: Goin’ again, everybody. Ten minutes for camera reload-

Follow Tara as she walks off set-

Frank (O.S.): Naw, man, I’m telling you-working alone behind the sets, or after wrap, you catch this weird vibe sometimes.

Tara approaches Talent Seating. Rick, the actor playing ‘Brody’, sits, eating some chili and conversing, bemused, wih Frank (50’s sun-tan-weathered)

Rick: Like what?

(Pages Skip)

Dean: So you found out as much as me.

Sam: Not quite. I did dig up some stuff about Stage 9’s history,

Dean: Oh yeah?

Sam: Four people died messy here, over the past 80 years-Two suicides, a couple fatal accidents.

Dean: But any one of ‘em could be a vengeful spirit.

Sam: True. We gotta narrow it down more.

Dean sees Tara enter stage, watches her go over to her set chair, absorbed in thought. He’s starstruck.

Dean: Well. Let me get right on that.

Dean heads over to Tara, stopping to snag a call sheet from a real P.A., who’s distributing them to various crew.

With Tara-Dean walks up, holding out the call sheet.

Dean: Are you supposed to get one of these? (underplayed charm) I really don’t know what I’m doing.

Tara looks up, sees Dean’s charming mug and smiles, despite her cloud. She takes a call sheet.

Tara: First day?

Dean: My big break.

Dean starts to go, then looks back.

Dean: Hey. I know it’s not cool to say so, but I’m a big fan. I loved you in “Boogeyman”.

Dean gives a smile.

Tara: Oh God. What a terrible script. But thanks.


Dean: So…you…found him, right? The guy who died. (off her nod) Must have been awful.

Her eyes cast down, it’s been on her mind, yeah.

Dean: I’m sorry. You probably don’t want to talk about it.

Tara: No, it’s OK. No one brings it up. I think they’re all scared I’ll have some kinda breakdown.

Dean: So what happened?

Tara: It was horrible. There was blood…from his eyes, and mouth…and I saw this…

Dean: What?

She takes a spooked beat. She doesn’t quite know how to describe-or explain it.

Tara: This figure. This shape. Tell you the truth, I don’t know what I saw. I only know that I saw it.

Walter breaks the moment, hands Tara a Snapple.

Walter Dixon: Here’s your Snapple, Tara.

Tara: (as Walter leaves) Thanks, Walter.

Dean: So this crew guy Frank…did you know him?

Tara: Not really.

Dean: It’s funny…you can’t find anyone around here who knew the guy.

Tara: Well. I got his picture.

Dean: (surprised) You do?

As she talks, she pulls a Binder from her seat pouch, opens it to several pages of Polaroids.

Tara: Yeah. I take Polaroids of all the crew. The things you do, to kill time on set, you know?

She finds a Polaroid of ‘Frank’. Hands it to Dean.

Tara: Here.

Dean studies the candid Polaroid. A light bulb goes off. This means something to Dean.

Dean: Sonofabitch.

Ext. Apartment building-Van Nuys-Evening

Modest, inexpensive. Kinda like where Steve Carell lived in “The 40-Year-Old Virgin.”

Sam and Dean knock on the door. It opens. It’s ‘Frank’ the dead grip, alive and well.

Sides end.

Sides For Director

Act Two

Int. Cabin-Back in The Movie-“Night”

As if we’re watching the film-Tara as ‘Wendy’ opens the cabin door, enters. As she does, a light blazes in her face. She raises her arm to shield herself. Some horrible creature? But then-

‘Mitch’: (O.S.) Wendy?

It’s Mitch, holding the flashlight, Kendra and Frat Boy behind him. Wendy rushes into his arms-

‘Wendy’: Mitch! You’re alive-

‘Mitch’: You won’t get rid of me that easy.

A deep rumble interrupts, something monstrous, coming from outside. Wendy gathers her Jamie Lee pluck, goes to the cabin cabinets-

‘Wendy’: Salt. We need salt. I read in that book that it keeps ghosts away!

Int. Soundstage-Video Village-Day

McG, Jay, and Martin watch through the video monitor. McG and Jay are whispering-

McG: You swear that hanging thing wasn’t another hoax?

Jay: On my kids’ lives.

McG takes this in. Jesus. A beat, then-

McG: Poor bastard. He didn’t seem like the suicide type.

Jay: (sympathetic shrug) He was a studio guy.

Int. Soundstage-From Over On Set

Tara breaks character:

Tara: Can we, you know, ‘cut’ or something?

McG: Um. Okay. “Cut,” I guess.

The set bell rings. As the crew gears for the next take, Tara comes up to them.

Tara: I’m sorry. I guess I’m just a little…upset.

McG: (Paternal) Hey, everything that’s been going on around here, who can blame you?

Tara: And I can’t really get my head around this dialogue. I mean, doesn’t this whole ‘salt’ thing seem silly? Why would a ghost be afraid of salt?

McG turns to Martin Slack, writer.

McG: Marty-what do you think?

Martin Slack: Not married to salt. What do you want? Are we still talking condiments, or--?

Dean. Standing at the perimeter, listening, a paper plate of taquitos in his hand, munching. He shakes his head with an inward chuckle. Behind him-bespectacled Walter Dixon seems pained by this discussion. To himself-

Walter Dixon: Are you kidding me?

Dean turns to him.

Walter Dixon: These people are idiots.

Act Three

Int. Soundstage-Day

Aftermath-Police and Lot Security officers investigate the scene behind police tape. Some poor official (perhaps wearing one of those plastic cop-or-fed jackets) is scrubbing the blood off the set wall.

A distance Away-Sam and Dean look on.

Sam: Run-in with the giant fan. Same thing happened to an electrician in ’66, guy named Billy Beard.

Both are frustrated, baffled by this turn.

Dean: Dude, what the hell?

Sam: Sure doesn’t seem like Elsie this time. Not her M.O.

Dean: And we torched her. So, what, we got another ghost?

Sam: Maybe.

Dean: But they don’t usually tag team on crap like this. Do they?

Sam shakes his head, bewildered. No, they don’t.

Ext. Soundstage-Day

They slip out the side door, into the alley by the stage, towards the Breakfast wagon, blending in with the crew as McG calls them together.

McG: Everybody, gather round, OK? I need to make an announcement-

Sam, on his cell phone, walks a distance away, in the middle of a call. Dean joins the crew, listens to McG.

McG: In light of Jay’s terrible accident last night, and in cooperation with the authorities, we’re shutting down production for a few days.

The crew hubbubs restlessly with question and comment.

McG: (understatement of millennium) Look, I’m not gonna lie, we’ve had a few setbacks this week. But we all know what Jay and Brad wanted more than anything-(getting big with it) And that was to see ‘Hell-Hazers II: The Reckoning’ on screens all across America!

His pep spreads into the crew. Nods, ‘Right -Ons!’

McG: We owe it to them to go on, to pull together and make this damn movie!

The crew claps. Dean finds himself clapping too. Sam returns, finishing his call.

Sam: Thanks, Ash. We owe you a drink. (He hangs up)

Dean: Alright, so where’s this electrician guy buried?

Sam: Wasn’t. Billy Beard was cremated. (then) So what the hell do we do now?

Int. Production Trailer-Day

On Monitor-Back in the movie-[Int. Cabin-Night] with Wendy, Mitch, Kendra; Wendy’s sister is by her, looking worried. On a lark, Wendy is reading Latin from a big, ancient Leather-Bound book.

‘Wendy’: [Against the Almighty, I conjure--]

Sides End.

season 2, supernatural, speculation, spoilers

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