Welcome To My Nightmare

Feb 08, 2007 22:15

I feel so bad. Everyone loved the episode and I hated it. I'm editing this post now after watching it a second time.

I watched the episode a second time and I still really didn’t like it. Maybe I found it all the more jarring because last week we have angelic Sammy admitting he prays and this week we have demonic Sammy. I liked Dean’s concern at the beginning for Sam when he said, "I'm going out of my mind." I also liked when he thought it was Sam's blood and was checking for injury. I felt bad at first for Sam too when I didn't know it was possessed!Sam talking. Sam seemed so broken when he said, “I don’t remember anything."

I was completely spoiled for this episode as usual. I saw the pictures so I knew at some point that Sam was possessed. However I didn't know how that was going to work. I also had read spoilers that suggested this episode might be a dream. The original title was "Welcome To My Nightmare" too. I thought it was going to be a Sam's worst nightmare scenario. I was hoping it was sign that it was a dream with all the weird flashes we got at the beginning. Then when Sam said, “It felt like I had been asleep for a month", I took that as another sign. The Richard Sambora thing was funny I guess. I noticed after watching it a second time, you could see Sam giving these shifty glances and showing signs that he was possessed. Like when Dean asks if he remembers when he shows him the garage, Sam tries to cover his tracks by saying it just feels familiar. Possessed!Sam was just leading Dean into the trap the entire time. I actually felt sorry for him again when I thought it was Sam saying he has been feeling rage. Sam seemed so heartbroken when he handed Dean the gun as well and they played that sad music. He looked all choked up, but I think that's when I knew that it was not Sammy. Sam would just kill himself especially if he was in control of his faculties at that moment. It broke my heart when Dean said, "I’d rather die" when Sam asked to be killed. It freaked me the hell out when Sam said, “You’ll live to regret this.” Then when Dean woke up to the knock, I still thought maybe it was a dream. The whole thing just seemed weird with those people standing there. Dean seemed all out of it. There was all this speculation going around that perhaps it was Dean's dream so I was thinking maybe it was. I guess he was just out of it because he got knocked out.

I admit I did think it was funny when Dean lied and said he was looking for his son who snuck off to a Justin Timberlake concert. I liked when he said, “Yeah Justin is quite the triple threat." LOL. I noticed Jo in the THEN part so I had an idea she was going to be in this episode. Then when I saw her name, it just confirmed it for me. My heart sank a bit because I never really liked her. I kept thinking Kripke was giving a shout out to the Jo haters though when Sam gave the little speech about romance being out of the question. Like I said,I never liked Jo but I found the part with Sam looking like he might rape her very disturbing and I felt sorry for her. I'm so glad they did not go there. I guess Jo’s, "No you won’t" was a sign she is gone for good. The Kripke interview said they would pay her character off. She helped Dean so I guess that's what he meant. I'm all over the place with this but during the Jo part, they played that song. I don't know what it was but some of the lyrics were, “Before you slip into unconsciousness." It made me wonder again if this could be a dream. How I still wish it turned out to be one big nightmare! Sam's little sing song, “My daddy shot your daddy in the head” was just so creepy. I didn’t like it. At. All. Then Dean came in and Sam begged him to shoot him. I felt so bad for Dean again when he was like, “No Sammy. Come on.” It made me think though. I mean Dean didn't really know Sam was possessed at first, did he? I think he did think maybe Sam had indeed gone darkside. Yet he was willing up to cover up the whole crime. That could be considered kind of selfish right there. I mean if people are going to argue Sam's selfishness for making Dean promise then it can be argued likewise that Dean is selfish if he is willing to let an Evil Sam live. I don't think either of them are selfish though. I think they just want to protect each other. Dean did have the Holy Water on him so did he know? Or was it wishful thinking? Why didn't he say Christo too when the clerk in the store said Sam walked in drinking, smoking, and throwing things. You think that might have gave him a heads up.

This is random, but wouldn’t the real Sam be hurt jumping out the window. I was on some message boards and people are saying, "Look what Possessed!Sam did to Dean." While I agree he did quite the number on him, what about Sam? He was thrown out a window, punched out, slapped, and burned twice so it's a wonder he wasn't showing some cuts after all was said and done. The demon was right about one thing I guess. Sam does have dewey sensitive eyes and how I missed them in this episode. I missed my Sammy. Jared was in the episode but it wasn't Sam. I never was really on the whole bandwagon that wanted an evil Sam. I'm never a fan of the villain of the story and Sam was definitely the villain. I thought I could handle it for an episode or two but I can't. Please no more evil Sam Kripke, please. I'm not putting down Jared's acting at all because he truly made me hate Sam. That takes a lot so he did an amazing job.

I liked when Dean put the gun away when the demon said if he shot the gun, he’d hurt Sam. He took the Holy Water out instead. Why did they have to let Sam shoot Dean again though? Why Kripke why! The backlash is already starting too. I knew it would happen when I read that spoiler. I hoped it wasn't true for that reason. After "Asylum", the Sammy hate was at an all time high and here it goes again. I knew people would say things like, "If Sam really loved Dean, he would have broken through and stopped himself." He did have that binding lock on his arm so I think that's the reason but it doesn't matter to some people. This is just another checkmark on the Sam doesn't really love Dean scorecard. Even the blogger at TV Guide was ragging on Sam. Dean came back from the dead again too! When will Sam get his chance? I was actually discussing this on a message board last night and people were saying that they don't want Sam to ever get hurt because it's Dean's thing. Come on now Kripke. Please don't make it always be Sam who does the shooting and Dean ending up hurt all the time. I can see now why people find it so much easier to sympathize with Dean. I feel terribly bad for him. He's quite often made to be more sympathetic than Sam with Sam playing the bad guy and Dean getting hurt. I find it funny too that people argue that it's all about Sam yet the demon keeps coming after Dean.

Dean really was a great big brother in this episode. I do love him, I do. I liked when Dean said, "You’re not getting Sam" to the demon. Sam’s evil laugh freaked me out though too. Possessed!Sam speaking Latin scared me as well. Sam beating up Dean was horrible and then digging his fingers into the wound was even worse. I would have liked a clue Sam was in there like if the demon said to Dean, “Your bother is begging for your life.” Something. Anything. I wanted to hear Dean tell the SOB to get out of his brother too. The demon telling Dean he was worthless again was so sad but this is why people feel much more sympathy for Dean than they do Sam. I feel so bad for Sam too. He had a demon in his body that used him to commit heinous crimes. This should not be overlooked. How come he was exorcised just by burning the mark though? The exorcism was not complete. When Sam came out of it and said, "Did I miss anything?, I literally said out loud WTF! Then Dean punched him. It was so lame. I mean why didn't they ask how one another were doing. It seemed so out of character to me. Now of course too, people are talking about Sam saying he ddin't express any regret for what happened to Dean. However, Dean punched him and didn't show him a ton of sympathy either. I don't see either of them as that heartless. And I thought we might get a hug in this episode?!?! I must have been on crack. It’s probably never going to happen. I get Sam was probably really confused but still, "Did I miss anything?" Then BLAMMO. It still does not compute with me. How did Sam remember where the car was too if he only remembered killing the guy and nothing else? I thought at the end we were finally getting some aftermath with this exchange:
Sam: I was awake for some of it Dean. I wached myself kill Wandell with my own two hands. I saw the light go out of his eyes.
Dean: Yeah that must have been awful.

I personally didn't find Dean's words to be all that sincere so I was making the trademark WTF face again. I thought we were at least getting some angst from Sam. I think he was showing some remorse but it didn't seem like enough. I mean sure he isn't really responsible because he couldn't control his actions. However, I never saw him as the type that would just brush it off. That's why when I found out he would be possessed, I wanted it to be a dream so much. I couldn't think of how traumatic it would be for Sam if he killed someone possessed or not. I liked when Dean said, "Now if it’s the last thing I do I’m gonna save you." That was a really sweet moment. However, then they laugh about Sam having a girl inside of him. It was just so out of place. Neither of them seemed to care about poor Steve. It really bothers me how out of character they both seemed. I would have been okay with the episode if Sam got exorcised and did like the truck driver did in IMToD with the "Did I do this?" Maybe some teary eyes and remorse whether he is at fault or not. However, I still remain firm in my opinion that I hated this episode. Maybe if some of the left over issues in the episode that I feel should not be overlooked get explored and there are some repercussions, I will change my mind. I don't mean physical repercussions either. I don't think I want Steve Wandell's posse coming after Sam. Sam and Dean have enough people after them. I would prefer they delve into the emotional scars that have to be there as a result of what happened. If they aren't going to do that, then they just should have had Sam not remember anything at all. I'm kind of worried we won't get an aftermath though because we didn't get one for "Asylum" or for "Skin". Oh please let there be aftermath so this can somehow be redeemed in some way.

I still need to go in the corner and cry now.

born under a bad sign, supernatural, episode review

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