I have been meaning to post these here for weeks!
Episode 220 What Is And What Should
Sides For Carmen
Dean: What? No!! The Djinn-it attacked me…
Sam: The gin attacked you?
Dean: No, ass-hat, the Djinn-scary demonic creature-remember? (beat) It put its hands on me and-bam, I wake up…next to a hot chick.
Sam: Who-Carmen?
Dean: (confused) Who?
Now Sam sounds annoyed-
Sam: You are drunk. You’re drunk dialing me.
Dean: I’m not drunk, Sam! Quit screwing around-
Sam: Look, it’s late. Sleep it off. I’ll see you tomorrow.
Dean: Sam, wait--!
Angle on Sam. As he clicks the phone off. Sighs, exasperated. Turns back to his research. Closes one book, opens another.
Angle on book: it’s a law school textbook.
Int. Apartment-Living Room-Night
Dean looks around at the unfamiliar apartment. He doesn’t have a clue. He spots some unopened bills on the coffee table. Grabs one off the top.
Angle On-The Bill. It’s addressed to Carmen Flores, #53 Barker Ave…Lawrence, Kansas.
Dean: (stunned) Lawrence?
Dean continues to shuffle through the mail. But it’s the next bill that stops him cold-
Angle-it’s addressed to Dean Winchester. So is the next one. And the next one. As if he lives here.
Dean: What the hell…?
Carmen: (O.S.) Honey?
Dean turns around. The mystery woman, Carmen, is standing in the doorway. She’s gorgeous. 20’s. Wrapped in a short satin robe.
Carmen: What’re you doing up?
Dean looks at her warily.
Dean: Hey...(tasting the name) Carmen? Carmen…I was just…uh…
Carmen: Can’t sleep, huh?
Carmen wraps her arms around Dean’s shoulders. Sexy, persuasive…
Carmen: Why don’t you come back to bed. Let’s see if I can do anything to help.
Dean awkwardly pulls away from the strange woman. Trying to sound casual-
Dean: Um…sure. In a minute…you go ahead.
Carmen: Don’t stay up too long.
Carmen leans in…gives Dean a soft kiss on the lips. Then heads back to the bedroom.
Dean watches her go, reeling: what the fuck is going on?! Frantically starts searching the place for answers…
He hurries over to a row of framed photographs on the bureau. Examining them one by one: Dean and Carmen on vacation, looking happy and in love; Dean looking embarrassed in front of a birthday cake.
Angle on-Dean. It’s clear from his baffled look: these are memories he has no recollection of.
Angle-Behind a framed photo. On a different bookshelf. As Dean turns to it. Whatever he sees, it’s huge…his eyes widen in shock and disbelief…he picks it up…
The photograph drops from Dean’s hand, crashing to the hardwood floor. He backs away, stunned…grabs some keys and strides for the front door.
Ext. Suburban Street-Night-Moments later
Dean’s still got the Impala-it pulls to a screeching stop on a quiet, residential street. He looks up at a particular house. As we reveal…
Dean’s parked in front of a familiar-looking house…it’s Sam and Dean’s childhood home (probably from first season’s episode “Home”.)
Ext. Winchester House-Continuous
Dean knocks. A light comes on inside. A beat. Finally, the door opens…
Angle on- Dean. Stunned. Barely able to speak. Finally-
Dean: Mom…
Mary Winchester is standing in the doorway! Very much alive, and 23 years older than the last time we saw her. She smiles patiently.
Mary: Dean. What are you doing here?
Tentatively, Dean reaches out and touches her shoulder. Her hair. Her face. He’s in shock…
(Pages Skip)
Int. Apartment-Living room-Night
Dean sits on the couch. Lost in thought. Carmen enters, in her short robe. Hands him a beer. Dean glances down at the label, smiles.
Dean: My favorite. Guess you know me pretty well.
Carmen: ‘Fraid so.
Dean: looks up at her. In this life, this almost complete stranger knows him better than he knows himself.
Dean: So, Sammy and I…we don’t exactly get along, huh?
Carmen sits down beside him. Gently-
Carmen: You guys are just so different…and I don’t think you really know each other all that well.
Dean: And everything he said-‘bout letting him down, all the crap I’ve pulled…that’s all true, huh?
Carmen: (gently) Well, sometimes you can be a little too… carefree.
Dean: So, why do you put up with me?
Carmen grins.
Carmen: Because your ass looks great in those jeans.
Dean: Seriously.
Carmen: You’re a good guy, Dean. Sometimes it’s buried, but it’s there.
Dean takes a swig of the beer. A look of determination slowly spreads across Dean’s face.
Dean: Well. Whatever I’ve done…I can fix it. I’ll make it up to Sam-and Mom. And you.
Now Carmen looks concerned.
Carmen: Okay, what’s gotten into you lately?
Dean: This isn’t gonna make a lick of sense. But I feel…like I’ve been given a second chance here. And I’m not gonna waste it.
Carmen: You’re right. That doesn’t make-
Dean cuts her off with a spontaneous, passionate kiss. When he finally releases her…
Dean: Sorry, I’ve been wanting to do that all night.
Carmen: (smiling, breathless) Well, you’re gonna have to hold that thought a little longer…
Carmen crosses into the room, exits into the bedroom.
Carmen: I gotta get ready for work…
Dean: (calling after her) Work? Now?
Carmen: (O.S.) I got the night shift Thursdays. I told you.
Dean grins, angling his head to try and peek into the open closet…
Dean: So, you’re working nights at the…uh…
Carmen emerges, pulling on a pair of hospital scrubs…
Dean:…hospital. (stoked) I’m dating a nurse. That’s so respectable.
Carmen gives him a playful swat.
Int. Apartment-Living Room-Later
The apartment is dark. Lit only by the flickering blue glow of the television. Dean’s in heaven: sprawled on the couch, watching TV, drinking a beer, feet up on the coffee table.
Suddenly, out of the corner of his eye, he catches a flash of something-
The creepy woman disappearing down the hallway into the bedroom!
Dean leaps off the couch! What the hell?
We move with Dean as he cautiously heads into-
Int. Apartment-Bedroom-Night
It’s empty. Still. Then, from inside the walk-in closet…
Creeak! Like the sound of a rope squeaking…Dean slowly approaches the closet door…a tense beat, as he pushes it open…Dean staggers back…
Two pale, withered corpses-a man and a woman-dangle from the clothes rack! Their hands bound above their heads with thick rope…the rope is squeaking under the weight of the swinging bodies…
Then, from behind him, a low, soft moan…Dean spins around! The creepy woman is standing just inches away! Blood dripping from her open mouth, as she whispers…
Creepy Woman: Help me…please, help me…
This time Dean gets a close look at her face. He recognizes her…
Sides End
Episode 221 “All Hell Breaks Loose” Part 1
Sides For Jake and Lily (combined)
Ava: What’s happening…?
Sam: Well, I know one thing. I know what the three of us have in common…
Just then, from the distance-
Male Voice: (O.S.) Hello! Anybody there?!
Sam: …maybe more than three.
They head in the direction of the voice, turning a corner-
Ext Ghost Town-Continuous
--to find a man in Army uniform-Desert Camo Pants, white T-shirt (Jake, 23). And, hovering nearby, Lily: 23, slightly Goth (think Ally Sheedy in Breakfast Club), and right now scared shitless.
Sam approaches them.
Sam: Hey. You guys alright?
Jake’s outwardly quiet, but clearly deeply disturbed.
Jake: Think so.
Sam: I’m Sam.
Jake: Jake.
Lily: Lily. Where are we?
Sam: That’s what I’m trying to figure out.
Lily: How did we even get here? A minute ago I was in San Diego-
Jake: If it makes you feel any better-I went to sleep last night in Afghanistan.
The others react.
Jake: So, yeah. Starting to look like I’m AWOL.
Sam: Lemme take a wild guess. You two are both twenty-three?
Lily is weirded out by the question. Nods. Jake nods too.
Sam: We all are. (then) And we all have certain abilities.
Jake and Lily react-what the fuck?
Jake: What?
Sam: (calmly insistent) Started a little over a year ago, with headaches.
Small beat. Lily and Jake stare. Taken Aback.
Sam: And then you found you could do things. Things you didn’t think were possible.
Lily: (fighting back emotion) I have no clue what you’re talking about.
Sam: (matter-of-fact) Me, I have visions. I see things before they happen.
Ava: Me too.
Lily stares. Didn’t expect to hear that. Andy chimes in-
Andy: I can kind of…put thoughts in people’s heads. Make ‘em do stuff. But don’t worry, I don’t think it works on you guys. Oh-and get this…(to Sam) I started practicing, right? Training my brain. I’d meditate, by staring at this poster that’s a blur but if you look hard enough, you see the space shuttle?
Andy pauses, like, “Are you with me?” They just stare. A little sheepishly-
Andy: So anyway, now…it’s not just thoughts I can beam out. Images, too. Whatever I want. Boom, they see it.
Sam nods slowly. Digesting this new development.
Andy: This one guy I know, total dick? I used it on him. Gay porn. No warning, all hours of the day. You shoulda seen the look on his face.
Andy smiles proudly. Ava laughs-won over by Andy.
Sam looks to Jake. Who meets his eyes for a moment, then looks away. Long enough for us to know-he’s got an ability too. One he’s not ready to talk about yet.
Sam looks to Lily-who shakes her head, angry. Bitter.
Lily: Don’t look at me. I’m not part of your little club.
Sam: Lily, it’s okay-
Lily: No, it’s not. You have visions? You go, Simon Says gimme your wallet and they do? That’s great. I’d kill for something like that. (beat) I touch people, their hearts stop.
Sam and the others digest this.
Lily: I can barely leave my house. My life’s not exactly improved. So screw you. I don’t care who you are, or what you can do. I just want to go home.
Jake: (A little pissed) And what, we don’t?!
Lily: (reacting to his tone) Don’t talk to me like that, I’m not your-
Sam: (over them) Whoa, enough. Like it or not, we’re all here now and we gotta deal with this.
Andy: So who brought us here?
Sam takes a long beat. This is going to be a difficult conversation to have.
Sam:…it’s…well, it’s less of a “who”, more of a “what”.
Ava: What does that mean?
Sam hesitates…he’ll know how they react…
Ava: Sam.
Sam: It’s a…it’s a demon.
(Pages Skip)
Dean: (snapping) Come on, you gotta find us something. Some kind of pattern. We’re looking at a three-thousand-mile haystack here…
Ash: Listen, Dean…(lowering his voice) I did find something.
Dean: (impatient) What?
Ash glances around at the bar, paranoid. We clock his distinctive calculator-wristwatch.
Ash: Can’t talk over this line.
Dean: Ash! I don’t have time for this.
Ash: Well, make time, ‘cause this-not only does this almost definitely help you find your bro, this is…
Ash catches his voice rising with excitement. Whispering-
Ash: It’s…huge. So get here. Now. Get here.
Ash hangs up.
Dean stares at the phone in his hand. Then-
Dean: Guess we’re going to the Roadhouse.
Ext. Ghost Town- Continuous
We pick up later in the conversation. Everyone is agitated.
Jake: (you’re fucking kidding) So we’re soldiers in a demon war to bring on the Apocalypse?
Sam: (knows how crazy it is) Well…when you put it like that.
Sam looks to Andy. He looks away. It’s too much for him. Looks to Ava-but she’s not on board either. Uncomfortable-
Ava: I’m sorry, Sam, but…psychics and spoon bending are one thing. But demons?
Sam: I know it sounds crazy-
Jake: Doesn’t just sound it, dude.
Sam: (stressed) I don’t really care what you think, okay?? If we’re all gathered together, it means that it’s starting, and we gotta-
Jake: Only thing I gotta do, is stay away from wackjobs. I’ve heard enough. I’m better off on my own. (to Ava, Lily, Andy) FYI, so are you.
Jake turns and walks away. Sam turns, calls after him-
Sam: Jake! Hold on-
But Jake keeps walking. Leaving Sam to face the others…who are staring at him like he’s insane.
Off Sam, scrambling for something to say to take care of the situation here-
Ext. Ghost Town-Continuous
Jake turns a corner-
--And sees a one room schoolhouse.
In the schoolhouse doorway: A little girl. Peeking out. Their eyes meet for a second, then she ducks inside.
(pages skip)
Act Two
Ext. Schoolhouse-Day
Sam emerges. Ava, Andy, Jake and Lily follow. New respect for him on their faces.
Sam: That thing-I’m not sure, but it looked like an Acheri. Demon that disguises itself as a little girl. (then) Still doesn’t tell us where we are.
He looks to Andy, who’s staring at him, pale.
Sam: Still with me?
Andy: Give me a minute. I’m still working through “demons are real.”
Jake’s ready to help. He looks around. Puzzling it out.
Jake: Judging by the school…place has been abandoned over a century. And it doesn’t look like anyone’s been through since.
Sam: Right.
Sam’s onto a theory now. He walks around to the back of the schoolhouse. The others follow… As they round the building-
Sam sees: Town Hall, crowned by a bell engraved with the image of a Rare Tree. His eyes narrow. He recognizes that bell.
Sam: I think I know where we are. Cold Oak, Massachusetts.
Blank looks all around.
Sam: Ever heard of Dudleytown?
They shake their heads no…
Sam: Town so haunted every resident fled. There’s a few like that. Cold Oak’s one of ‘em. Legend says demons show up, killed everyone who didn’t escape. 1882, I think.
Ava: (gallows laugh) Swell, it’s good to know we’re somewhere historical.
Lily: Why in the world would that…demon or whatever put us here?
Sam: I’m wondering the same thing.
Lily: You know what? Doesn’t matter. Clearly the only sane thing to do here is get the hell outta Dodge.
Sam: Hold on. The only way out’s through miles of woods.
Lily: Beats hanging out with demons.
The kids exchange looks. No one knows what to do here.
Sam: Lily…we don’t know what’s going on yet. We don’t know how many of ‘em are out there.
Jake: He’s right. We should-
Lily bristles.
Lily: Don’t say we. I’m not part of we. I have nothing in common with any of you.
Sam: Look, I know that-
Lily: You don’t know anything! I touched…I accidentally touched my girlfriend!
A beat, as they all get what this means.
Sam: I’m sorry.
Lily: Whatever-
Sam nods, compassionate. Getting how deeply it sucks.
Lily: (quietly) It’s like I’m in a nightmare and it just keeps getting worse and worse.
Sam isn’t angry or harsh here…more worried…
Sam: I’ve lost people, too. I’ve got a brother out there, might be dead for all I know. We’re all in bad shape. (then) But Lily, I’m telling you…the best way out, is to stick together.
Lily shakes her head: this is all so fucked up. Finally, she shrugs, looking at the ground.
Lily: Fine.
Off Sam, relieved he got through to Lily-
Ext. Ramshackle House-Day
As they approach-
Sam: We’re looking for iron, silver, salt…any kind of firepower…
Jake: Salt is firepower?
Sam: It’s a brave new world.
(pages skip)
Bobby: Cold Oak. Ghost town, middle of nowhere. Ten years ago, me and a couple buddies checked it out-heard there were demons.
Dean: Did you clean the place?
Bobby: That’s the thing. It was clean. No demons, no sign there ever were any. It was just a legend.
Neither of them know what to make of that.
Bobby: Anyway-if Sam’s there…
Dean: Let’s go.
As Dean and Bobby jump in the Impala-
Int. Schoolhouse-Day
Jake and Sam break apart desks, collecting Iron Table Legs.
Sam watches as Jake yanks the leg off a desk as easily as breaking plywood. Jake notices Sam’s stare. Embarrassed-
Jake: I’m not Superman or anything…It’s not a big deal…
Sam and Jake continue to work as they talk.
Sam: You were in Afghanistan when it started?
Jake: I started getting headaches. And then…there was this accident.
Sam: What happened?
Jake: Guy flipped his jeep on a bad road. Got pinned underneath. I saw it happen, I ran over…
Jake stares at his hands. Still a bit freaked by the story.
Jake: I lifted it right off him like it was nothing.
Jake meets Sam’s eyes, to gauge his response. Sam’s listening, without judgment.
Jake: Everyone said it was a fluke adrenaline thing.
Sam: (getting it) But then you did it again…
Jake: Bench pressed 800 pounds, stone cold calm. Never told anyone, of course. It’s just too crazy.
Sam: Crazy’s relative.
Jake: I’m starting to get that.
Jake gathers up his pile of iron. Takes a beat.
Jake: By the way…I appreciate what you’re doing here.
Sam: What am I doing?
Jake: Keeping calm. Keeping them calm. Especially considering how freaked to hell you really are.
At first, Sam is going to deny it…but he looks at Jake-
Jake: I been in some deep crap myself. I know the look.
Sam takes a long beat. Nods. Then…with vulnerability, he reveals something he wouldn’t say to the others.
Sam: You wanna know the truth? I got this big brother…he’s always saying he’s gonna watch out for me, how it’ll all be okay…you know, just like I’ve been saying to them…
Jake: Yeah…?
Sam: (this is hard for him) I don’t…I don’t think I believe it. The size of what’s coming-it’s bigger than anyone’s ever seen. It’s gonna get bad. And I just don’t know if…
Jake: If we’re gonna make it?
Sam looks at him. Yes, that’s exactly what he means. Jake takes a beat.
Jake: Doesn’t matter if you believe it. Only matters that they do.
Sam nods. Small, lonely, bonding moment between them.
Ext. Ramshackle House-Dusk
Andy and Jake draw water from a small well.
Int. Ramshackle House-Continuous
Sam and Ava fortify the house: Sam carefully lays down a line of salt around the perimeter of each room. Ava salts the sills (no iron chains, please). She looks around the room. Rotting wood, cobwebs.
Ava: (a light joke) You know my horoscope said I shouldn’t have gotten out of bed.
Sam gives Ava a brief, tired smile.
Ava: How you holding up?
(Pages skip)
Ava: (Cont’d) You’re so busy fighting who you are, but if you just gave into it-it goes so much faster. You just pick things up. It’s crazy, the switches that flip in your brain. (then) I mean, I can’t believe I started out just having dreams. Know what I can do now?
Sam: (awed; holy shit) Control demons.
Ava: You are quick on the draw.
And with that, Ava shuts her eyes-instantly, that black smoke seeps in, coming to kill Sam…Sam steps back…
Ava: I’m sorry, Sam, but it’s over-
Suddenly-Crack! Ava’s cut off as her neck bends unnaturally, bones snapping as Jake breaks her neck. Killing her instantly. Her body hits the floor.
The smoke escapes (the demon no longer under Ava’s control).
Jake’s shaken to the core by what he’s just done.
Off Sam and Jake, locking eyes, rattled-
Ext. Edge Of The Woods- Night
The Impala pulls over at the side of the road. Dean and Bobby emerge, survey the dense woods.
Bobby: Rest of the way’s on foot.
Dean pops the trunk, pulls out two flashlights, tosses one to Bobby. The two hunters weapon up.
Dean: Let’s go.
Dean and Bobby head into the shadows…
Ext. Ramshackle House-Night
Sam and Jake stand looking out at the ghost town. Deeply shaken. Jake holds an iron bar (collected from the school).
Sam: I think we can make it out of here now.
Jake: But that Acheri demon-
Sam: Ava was summoning it. Controlling it. It shouldn’t come back now that she’s dead.
Jake nods. Clearly, killing Ava wasn’t easy for him.
Sam: We should go.
Sam starts walking-but Jake just stands there. Holding that iron bar.
Jake: Not we, Sam.
Sam stops, turns to face Jake. Uh oh.
Jake: Only one of us is getting out of here. I’m sorry.
Sam: What?
Jake: I had a vision. That Yellow-Eyed demon or whatever he is-
Sam: Jake-you can’t listen to-
Jake: (cutting him off, reasonable) Look, he told me, he’s not letting us go. Just one. We don’t play along, he’ll kill us both. (then) I like you, man, I do…but do the math here. What good’s it do for both of us to die? Now if I get out, get close to the Demon-I can kill the bastard.
Sam: You come with me, we’ll go kill it together.
Jake narrows his eyes at Sam. Considering.
Jake: How do I know you won’t turn on me?
Sam: I won’t.
Jake: I don’t know that.
Sam reaches into his pocket. Pulls out that rusty old knife. Makes a show of putting it on the ground.
Sam: Just come with me, Jake. Don’t do it. Don’t play into what it wants.
A beat…and Jake nods okay. He sets down the iron bar.
Sam takes a step closer-
Bam! Jake throws a single punch that sends Sam flying (enhanced strength, remember)! Sam hits the ground hard.
As Sam hits the ground with Skull-rattling Force-
End Of Act Four
End Of Sides
The episode is called All Hell Breaks Loose Part 2 (obviously lol) but that's all we really know so far.