(no subject)

Aug 17, 2005 01:10


100 THINGS.... repost this with your answers:

1* First grade teacher's name: Mrs. Grant

2* Last word you said: Hmmm...I actully don't remember.

3* Last song you sang: See above.

4* Last person you hugged: Ari.

5* Last thing you laughed at: When I was talking to Ari and we were making demonic possession jokes.

6* Last time you said I dont remember: Lol, see number 3.

7* Last time you cried: Quite a while...honestly, it was probbly when things were fineally over with my last ex.

8* Last time you poured super hot sexy fudge all over yourself: Been a long time.

9* What color socks are you wearing: None.

10* What's under your bed: Nothing, I got rid of my bedframe.

11* What time did you wake up today: 7:30

12* Current taste: Orange juice.

13* Current hair: Normal hair for me...
15* Current annoyance: Neck is starting to bother me.

16* Current longing: Decent relationship...and if not that, NSA sexxor.

17* Current desktop background: Osaka from Azumanga Daioh.

18* Current worry: Work.

19* Current hate: Parts of work...

20* Current favorite article of clothing: Orange shorts.

21* Favorite physical feature of the preferred sex: Face.

22* Last CD that you listened to: Album...something by REM. Actual CD...christ...it'd have to be No Doubt - The Singles, but that was ages ago.

23* Favorite place to be: Hanging out with friends.
24* Least favorite place: Right now, work but normally it doesn't bother me any.

25* Time you wake up in the morning: 11ish.

26* If you could play an instrument, what would you play: Mabye bass...

27* Favorite color: Red, blue, and black.

28* Do you believe in an afterlife: Sorta...

29* How tall are you: 5'11"

30* Current favorite word/saying: Brainfucked.

31* Favorite book: The Amber Spyglass

32* Favorite season: Summer

33* One person from your past you wish you could go back and talk to: I'd love to run into a couple of different people from elementry school...I'd also be curious to know what exactly went on inside the head of my ex.

34* Song currently listening to: Ummm...now that I turned it back on...REM - It's The End Of The World As We Know It.

35* Where do you want to go to college: Ooooh boy, loaded question. I'm actully really looking forward to SMCC next year, but I suppose if I had my absolute choice....I'd love to go to Marlboro College or DigiPen University.

37* How many kids do you want: Not a clue right now...worry about it once I'm married.

Have you ever.........

38* Eaten an entire gallon bucket of ice cream in one day: Probbly, but not at one sitting.

39* Said "I love you" and meant it: Yes indeed.

40* Gotten in a fight with your dog/cat/bird/fish, etc: Not a real fight, but I wrestle my dog sometimes.
41* Been to New York: Yup.

42* Been to Florida: Only to Dizney Wurld (which kicked ass).

43* Been to California: Nope.

44* Been to Hawaii: Sure haven't.

45* Been to Mexico: Nope.

46* Been to China: Indeed not.

48* Dreamed something really crazy and then it happened the next day: Yup.

49* Had sex: Indeed.

50* Sent someone to the hospital: Nope.
51* Been naked in public: Not that I recall.


52* Do you have a crush on someone: A couple of people.

53* What book are you reading now?: Nothing at the moment, but I'm gonna grab something for my trip this week.

54* Worst feeling in the world: Being truly lonly.

55* What is the first thing you think when you wake in the morning?: Usually either "fuuck...too early" or "oh man what a weird dream"
56* How many rings before you answer: Home - usually I don't awnser. Work - as few as possible. Cell - depends.

57* Future daughter's name: No clue.

58* Future son's name: See 57.

59* Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: Nope.

60* If you could have any job you wanted: Probbly something dealing with computer forensics, or an arcade owner.

61* Wish were here: Hmmm...no particular person. It'd be awkward, I'm sitting here in my torn boxers.

62* College plans: SMCC for two years, after that no idea. Potentially DigiPen for bachalors and then Marlboro for Masters.

63* Piercings: One in left ear.

64* Do you do drugs: Not usually, though I have smoked pot on occasion.

65* Do you drink: Nope.

67* What kind of Shampoo and Conditioner do you use: Whatever I find in the bathroom.
68* What are you most scared of: Hmm...I actully don't know.

69* What clothes do you sleep in: T-shirt and boxers, unless I'm at a friends house. Then it's just whatever I'm wearing.

70* Who is the last person that called you: Hmmm...me personally? *checks cell*. Max.

71* Where do you want to get married: Never thought about that one.

72* If you could change anything about yourself what would it be? I have no idea.
73* Who do you really hate: No one in particular.

74* Been In Love: In a real way, never. Thought I was once, though.

75* Are you timely or always late: ALWAYS fucking late. Even work has gotten bad lately.

76* Do you have a job: Yup.

77* Do you like being around people: Usually.

78* Best feeling in the world: Cuddling.

79* Are you for world peace: Absoutly.

80* Are you a health freak: Not in ANY sense.

81* Do you have a "Type" of person you always go after: Considering how rarely I go after people, no.

82* Do you want someone you don't have? I wouldn't put it that way, no.

83* Are you lonely right now: Not really.

84* Ever afraid you'll never get married: Well now I am. Stupid quiz. :-D

85* Do you want to get married: Possibly.

86* Do you want kids? I have NO idea.


87* Cried: Nope.

88* Bought Something: Yup...fuck I need money for lunch tommrow.

89* Gotten Sick: Nope.

90* Sang: Yup, sorta.

91* Said I Love You: To my parents/
92* Wanted To Tell Someone You Loved them? Nope.

93* Met Someone: Nope, at least not in a true sense.

94* Moved On: Hmm...didn't have anything to move on from.

95* Talked To Someone: Lots of people at SMCC this morning, and then my parents later on. Last person I talked to was Justin via AIM.

96* Had A Serious Talk: Nope.

97* Missed Someone: Sorta.

98* Hugged Someone: Yup.

99* Yelled at Someone: Nope.

100* Dreamed About Someone You Can't Be With: Hmm...I may have.
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