Oh boy another friends quiz!!!
The Random Question Meme!
An array of completely random questions about my friends!
supguysimemo have a funny-shaped head or what?Sorta.What do you most envy about
rsheil?Dunno.What is
spinthedisq's religion?Probbly similar to mine.In what ways are you smarter than
drewdude61?Every way. :-DCan
v3rt3br3ak3r solve a Rubik's Cube?Wouldn't suprise me.What is
kenjiisgod's favorite movie?Uhhhh...probbly some kind of porn.What is
austonianb's favorite song?Jeez, I have no idea whatsoever.Why did
hikaroochan cross the road?*blink* To deliver her art?What would
whoispain like to do for a living?Manage a burger king, of course.Where do you think
myserysyn is right now?Working at Wendy's.Whom is
psychogirl69 attracted to?Hahahhahahahaha...everybody.What happened the last time you and
hikaroo were hanging out together?Somebody got sprung (and no it wasn't me).What would happen if
jacintamusica and
undonebutterfly went on a date together?O_o. They'd probbly have a good time, minus the whole "they're both girls and I'm pretty sure they're both straight" thing.
This is by
heptadecagram. You can find your own completely random questions
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