teen wolf 2.09: does this count as feels? am i feeling now?

Jul 24, 2012 02:05

really not sure what to make of this episode. it feels like the season supposed fall together and things fall apart but um. that didn't happen for me. i realized that i'm doing teen wolf wrong because i wasn't all, OMG IT'S MATT! i was more, matt can't swim? that's your reveal? and then giggled for HOURS! wtf is this show! what the fuck kind of groundwork did you lay for this exactly? you're going to tell me? no. i'm going to require you to show your long division style!

things that i liked:

1. the hallucinations. people were being wolfbaned left and right and it was wonderful! you really gained a lot of insight into fears and doubts. allison feeling weak (she doesn't want to be and hates herself for it), stiles and his father (seriously hurt!), jackson and his facelessness (hedoesn'tknowwhoheisyall!) it was wonderful teenage angst until you got to scott's vision of allison. that is bestiality. and a total disappointment.

on some level i appreciate that scott's humanity shows through with his fear. i understand that losing love is very important but the way it was portrayed just highlighted their 2nd issue of the season: trust. and even the way he's losing her, to another person and then to the kamina have very little to do with um. i'm going to stop because dude, it's scott and allison.

but yes! one of the best things i've seen all season!

2. lydia doing everything. dreaming with sexy uncle peter, putting together outfits with lydia, staring as stiles tries to get the best present ever through the door, having a genuine smile when jackson comes through the door, wolfbaning* her party, wolfbaning derek with its sparkling purple powder form, dragging derek with some handwavey strength! lydia rocks!

3. johnny cage and his son fighting crime with real detective work! i could honestly watch that show all day long.

4. sexy uncle peter returning! while i'm sure it will bring the other big season one ship out from the cold, i welcome him back. i still contend the show made a mistake with taking allison's mother out of the equation. but bringing peter back is an apology i will accept. i imagine that he's unalpha'd derek. de-alpha'd? dealphatized? whichever. he's done it to derek. this is shown through the set up between derek and the pups. i still don't understand how this works out in the whole "mythos"** of teen work but whatever. i know the show is still working on that.

5. fail!pack bonding through the full moon. finally! acknowledgement of what it means to pack and take responsibility for being in one. it was actually really interesting to see some kind of pack dynamic take shape. startissac’s moment was very well done. and the little things like boyd turning his head away twice made me want to hug him! he’s so gentle! starting to think i can dig team fail!packing

back to the responsibility though. i've been waiting for 8 episodes for derek to say something about turning jackson. jesus people! 8 episodes! better than nothing i suppose.

6. BOYD HAS LINES! *fistpumps!*


8. matt revealing himself to be a graduate of the jackson whittemore school of shaking with rage acting! and god! the pose with the kanima was so. so. so bad. I LOVED IT.

things i didn't like:

1. the shitty photoshopping of the year book pictures. seriously? i know your budget isn't all that great but that was really poorly done.

2. the death of mrs. argent. i know it's television. i know that you never know how long you have with a show. i know that nothing really lasts forever. but honestly, this is a trigger that could have been pulled later. mrs. argent could have been so awesome and they used her like she was a bottle rocket!

3. the lack of golf metaphors

4. matt revealing himself to be a graduate of the jackson whittemore school of shaking with rage acting! and god! the pose with the kanima was so. so. so bad. I HATED IT.

*wolfbane is a thing now. verb it. you know you want to.
** please envision this word with sparkling wolfbane being thrown at it

teen wolf

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