woke up too earlie went out to monroe to the appersons for dinner and movies....parents left us.. that was great lol after that we just ended up renting too many movies and eating candi n icecream.. then got back home round 2... and too too tired... about to wake up fer church then go to my mommys surprise thing..
today went out with rach to the mall then went to dearborn for dinner(yummm)then got starbucks* yumy!! after that went to work then john n rach picked me up, then went out for some more coffee @ Heritage Perk(YES)!! thenn went n got "The Forgotten" It was an ok movie.. n no john n rach lch is not funny at all.. u hooch lol.. love you guys....
today was goodd..!!! went to school, went to cheerleading prac. to help rach "kinda" teach a DANCE! then went out for coffee @ heritage Perk and then did some more dancing now iam going to go get ready
today had no school!! thats cool!! kinda.. Tonight i have a thing to go to hopefully not as boring as i think it will be then i have stupid dance i hate dancing now!! then i am going to prob go out for coffee w rach afterwards Boring!! hopefully tomorrow will be better