Name/Nickname: Aisu
IMs (AIM/MSN/YIM): Aisu the Spiffy
Timezone: PST
Name: Alfred F. Jones (America)
Age: 19
Series: Axis Powers Hetalia
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Occupation: Prisoner of war, the nation of America
Point of canon to be drawn in: 1945
Preferred level: Elysium
Appearance: Fairly tall and well-built, without the chubbiness you'd expect with his diet. His eyes are a brilliant shade of blue, sparkling with life and excitement. Pale blond hair is cut short, framing his rounded face. He wears glasses nearly all the time. His normal outfit is a fur coat over a khaki-colored suit, although he'll wear whatever's at hand. Due to his status as a prisoner of Neo Genesis, he is forced to wear a mechanical collar at all times.
Personality: Most people, looking at Alfred, just see an idiot. He's constantly loud and abrasive, and he does his best to work his way into everyone's business, whether they want him involved or not. He likes to think of himself as being some sort of action hero, and this together with his optimism cause him to believe that he'll be the one to single-handedly restore the old countries of the world.
However, this blind faith could also be seen as his strongest point - it's nearly impossible to get Alfred to back down on any position he takes, and he'll pursue his goals with single-minded determination. Once Alfred's set his mind to something, he'll do whatever it takes to get it done - whether it's watching a horror movie that he hates or freeing a nation.
He also has absolutely no sense of taste, thanks to his childhood, although he does love hamburgers.
Abilities: America is very hard to take down in a fight, be it mental or physical - not because of any particular skill on his part, but just because he's so determined. He'll usually bounce back from anything you throw at him. He tends to win most fights he's in because of this. His optimism makes it very hard for him to get depressed or discouraged for long.
America was "born" into the American wilderness long before any of the colonists arrived, and he lived his early childhood in relative peace, befriending rabbits and fending for himself. But then he was discovered by Sweden and Finland, and soon a host of people were all coming to claim him as their little brother. America at first was terrified and confused by all of them, but finally he gained some confidence and chose who he wanted as his older brother - England, whose tears of defeat had apparently won the child's sympathy.
England did his best to raise the boy well, taking care of him and keeping him fed (which is why America currently has no sense of taste). He even got to meet (and then promptly ignore) his brother Canada. However, the child could not stay that way forever. As more and more colonists arrived, America matured, and soon he was a tall, strong young man. England was frightened and began to limit America's freedoms - imposing taxes, cutting America off from other trade routes, and generally isolating the man from the world.
Finally America could take it no more, and war broke out between him and England as America fought for his freedoms. In 1776 the Declaration of Independence was signed, allowing America to break off from his "older brother", but the war raged on nonetheless. The war finished finally on a rain-soaked battle as England made a final attack, nearly felling America before simply breaking down, unable to fight any more. A few documents later, America was his own nation.
The young nation faced his share of problems - setting up the government, wars for expansion, and of course the personality split that lead to America's war against himself. But slowly America matured and began to gain a position as a world power, taking his place on the world stage and gaining more and more land and industrial strength. He also managed to smooth things over slowly with England, although they remained a touch tense.
In 1914, the Great War broke out, and America found himself pressured for the first time to choose who to support in a truly global conflict. He provided support to England behind the scenes, but refused to name an official side. However, Germany grew more and more hostile toward him, and eventually America entered the war as a self-described hero and actually managed to aid in turning the tide of battle. Afterward he took charge of the post-war negotiations, setting things up as best he could.
For a while after the war, America enjoyed great prosperity and had a great time of it. He gained a new source of help in the form of Lithuania, and times with the other nation were good. Jazz music became his personal obsession during this period, and he still quite enjoys it. Everything seemed to be going up, and he and his people bought themselves a new, glamorous life on credit.
And then it all came crashing down.
The credit he had bought came crashing down on him, and with the network of links he had set up to the European nations and the amount of support he and he alone provided to them, his crash lead to the destruction of the global economy. Lithuania left him, taken back by Russia, and America found himself struggling just to make enough food to survive as his people starved and died around him. It only seemed to get worse - the Dust Bowl destroyed what crops he had had, and no support seemed to be coming.
Then World War II began. At first America tried to avoid getting entangled, thinking that his economy couldn't handle it, but he sent his support to the Allies - England in particular, whom he had been getting closer and closer to again. Then Japan attacked him and he realized that he had to enter the war at last.
He quickly took his place as the hero of the Allies (his backup fighters being Russia, England, France, and China), fighting with all his strength. The war revitalized his failing economy, and soon he found himself as one of the most powerful players, which of course suited his heroic nature just fine. While he had some issues with his fellow Allies (mostly Russia, whom he had been disliking more and more as time went on, although England loved to harass him and France considered him lacking in class), for the most part the war went smoothly for him - better than it did for anyone else. Soon enough the Allies were pressing in for the win. And when Japan put up resistance... America finally revealed the project he, England, and Canada had been putting their efforts into. The results of the Manhattan Project destroyed Hiroshima and Nagasaki and forced the end of the war.
The war ended at last, America took the chance to begin to enjoy his newfound prosperity, and he did his best to help the nations on both sides rebuild and gain strength. However, new threats appeared from a (somewhat) unexpected source - tensions between him and Russia only worsened with the advent of nuclear power. While America's new suburban lifestyle seemed stable, the threat of nuclear warfare began to loom.
False memories:
Alfred's memories start around age 4 with his older brother, William T. Spears. Initially the boy was happy and carefree, loving his brother without any regrets, but William grew increasingly controlling and demanding, which Alfred's naturally free spirit couldn't bear. Finally, after a particularly violent argument, Alfred ran away from home entirely, finding himself on the streets at age 16.
He wanted to enlist in the NG military and become a pilot, but his increasingly poor vision as well as his age and lack of experience kept him grounded. Instead he managed to get trained as an engineer and began to work on planes, still holding onto at least some of his dreams of someday being a hero like the ones he saw in movies. He befriended a few people and managed to forge a fairly stable life for himself, renting a small Terra apartment and making friends with various people, including a few kids around his age from Elysium.
However, his dreams of heroism ungrounded that life. He began to protest some of the policies of Neo Genesis' government - most notably their treatment of the citizens of the Abyss - and quickly became one of the leaders of the protest movement. However, this didn't go unnoticed by city police. He faced several brief arrests and beatings, but managed to hold on until after one protest he was taken in personally by the police officer Yaha.
Over the next few hours, he was systematically beaten and broken by the officer, with the aid of a few others. His memories of who exactly did it are hazy, but in the end he begged for them to stop, apologizing for all his actions. He was allowed to go home, a beaten, broken mess.
He resumed his job and his social life, seemingly much the same as before, but he quickly backed out of the protest moment, stating that he now agreed with NG and its policies and actions. His smile is a little thinner and he works a little slower now, but part of him still dreams of flying in the planes he spends his time building.
Sample journal posts: This city entirely lacks decent burgers! Not a single place serves a REAL hamburger! I demand at least three patties! And possibly some bacon!
Does anyone know where to get a decent burger?! ANYONE?! There has to be somewhere!
Sample role-playing post: It was hard for Alfred some nights, sleeping in the dingy cell that was his home and remembering the glory that he had once had. Neo Genesis was nothing like the beautiful country he had once been the very soul of, and it hurt every day to walk the unfamiliar streets only to return back to squalor.
But even as he lay staring at the dirty ceiling overhead, the collar around his neck constricting him painfully, he still smiled. After all, he had been opressed before and broken free. Time and time again he would rise from the ashes, cast off his shackles, and gain his liberty. It would take time, but he knew it could be done. For now, he would just wait and plan, but soon enough...
He rolled over onto his side and closed his eyes, a familiar anthem playing in his mind as he fell into sleep.