Unfortunately, Kirk was not exactly thrilled to be reunited with his long lost son.
John was crushed.
And with that, Kirk beamed away.
While Sheppard was trying to drown his sorrows in beer, Vala and some friends came up and asked what was wrong.
Vala and her S.O.C.K.S. friends left after making Sheppard promise to attend the next meeting. Meanwhile, Ronon and Teyla were getting drunk and McKay was feeling left out.
Now that the whole daddy issue had been squared away, John decided that it was finally time to propose to his Canadian sweetheart.
But McKay was his normal oblivious self.
Merry Christmas, everybody!
Stargate caps from www.stargatecaps.com Supernatural cap from www.stripedwall.com text from http://wigflip.com/roflbot