A la pregunta de "¿Se considera usted feliz? Puntue del uno al diez," las puntuaciones mas altas se dieron entre las mujeres solteras, seguidas por los hombres casados y despues por las mujeres casadas. Los mas insatisfechos resultaron ser los hombres solteros.
Comments 7
Now if hombres solteros are so unhappy why do they hang on to their status as solteros soo madly, I mean its obvious why we hang on to it, and not there is data to back us up, but why do they do it?
if they hold onto their bachelorness, they're at the lowest end of the happy scale, but if they marry a nice single girl, then they move up a little, but they drag her way down... and then they're stuck with someone miserable in their house all the time.
they're kind of like drowning people. you can throw them things but don't get within arms' reach.
B.of all-You know I'm a mexican't, excluding doesn't make friends! Plus I'm in the library taking a break from studying for my final(which is in 1 hour) and I clicked on the link and now everyone thinks I'm looking at porn. Thanks Suzy.
2. of all- you're right. excluding makes an ex of Clu and Ding, or something.
rough translation:
When asked, "Do you consider yourself happy? Rate your answer on a scale from one to ten," the highest ratings were given by single women, followed by married men, and after that, married women. Single men turned out to be the most unsatisfied.
c. of all- this website will be good practice for you next semester; the porn can't be helped.
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