I never had a dream come true till the day that i found you.
1. Kissed: yes
2. Ran away:technically it wasn’t running away, but theres points where I try
3. Done Drugs: yes =[
4. Broken some1's heart?: Yes
5. Been in love: yes
6. cried when some1 died: Yes
7. wanted some1: YES
8. Broken a bone: Nope
9. lied: yes
10. cried in school: plenty of times
11. coke or pepsi? coke
12. night or day? night
13. indoors or outdoors? outdoors
14. sprite or 7up? sprite
15. girls or guys? guys
16. flowers or candy? flowers
17. blonde or brown hair? blonde
18. hazel, green, or blue eyes? I like them all
19. black or blue? black
20. winter or summer? summer
21. cubs or sox? i dont care
22. what do u notice first? smile
23. last person u slow danced with? CHRIS<3
24. what is the perfect guy or girl for you? I don’t want to state the name
25. showered? today
26. taken a bath? like 4 years ago (baths are boring)
27.brush your teeth? 10 minutes ago
28. good luck charm: cassi’s and mine best friend necklace
29: person u hate the most?: I don’t really hate anybody
30. best thing that has happened to you this year?: forgetting everything and starting freash!!!
31. color: yellow & orange
33. last time u ate: today with Maryellen and larisa at the laundrymate
34. last time u went to the mall: a week ago with leah
35. finger: RING
36. stores: ALLLLL
37. the prettiest? Cassi,Samantha,Courtney,Sarah,Kalyn,Kaylea,Kaylynn,JACI…..and many many more
38. the ugliest: none there all drop dead gorgeouse
39. most likely to succeed: all of them
40. most likely to get married and divorced: im not sure ahhh …kaylynnn
41. most likely to stay married: JACI
42. makes you laugh the most: myself <333 !!!!
43. can make u feel better no matter what:? Mocassssaaaaa & Kalyn my 2 best friends ever!
44. Sweetest: larisa
45. Annoying: all of them fucking annoying bitches….just kidding <333
46. has a crush on you: =/
47. do u have a crush on some1? yes
48. are you 2 a couple? Its getting there any day now <3
49. sit by the phone waiting for a phone call? When I know im going to get a call
50. save AOL conversations? Only when its nessesary
51. save emails? Yes because they save by themselves
52. wish you were some1 else?: sometimes…but when I think about it I ROCK!! duh
53. wish you were a member of the opposite sex?: fuck guys
54. wish you would die? Not anymore!!!!!!
55. wish you were somewhere else? Yes
56. want to be famous? Sometimes, but it would be tough
57. want to be a singer? I have a crappy voice
58. want a lolly pop? Yeah duh who wouldn’t want one!!!
59. want this survey to end? No I have time tonight
62. been rejected? I think so=/
63. used some1? no
64. cheated on some1? I didn’t but he said I did…….guys whoa
65. been cheated on? I don’t recall
66. been kissed? duh
67. done something you regret? Yeah but somethings NO
69. hugged: marymarshmellow
70. you instant messaged: I don’t have that anymore
72. you told a secret to: larisa
73. who broke your heart?: _____
74. who was the last person who told you they loved you: chris
75. have tatoos? No
76. have piercing below your waist? Yes,belly-button, but its closing I hate it
77. have a boyfriend? No but I hope he asks SOON
78. own a business? Yeah let me tell you
79. MEOW: rawr
81. QUACK: bark!
82. full name: ROSEMARY!!!
83. I was born: 2/22/91
85. Siblings: uno
86. one or two story house: 1 I’m not rich fucking idiot
87. color of your toothbrush? I have a blue toothbrush with white on the sides
88. color of your hairbrush? Haha green
89. color of phone? I don’t have a phone=/but I’m technically using my moms old phone which is silver and orange
90. color of eyes: blue with a parcial brown spot on the top
91. color of hair: brown/black/blonde…its turning back
92. height: 5'5
93. pets: kitty
94. do you have a pool? duh
95. how many computers are in ur house?:2 plus a broken one in my brothers old room and my moms laptop
96. how many t.v. are in ur house? I broke 2 so we only have 1
97. r u bored? No I’m excited
98. r u tired? Yes very
99. how long did this take you to type/fill out this survey? I wasn’t looking at the time probably 5 minutes
100. are you glad this is the last question? No. im not.
01. Who are you, what's our relationship?
02. How and where did we meet?
03. What's my middle name?
04. How long have you known me?
05. Tell me one good thing about myself?
06. When you first saw me, what was your impression?
07. My age?
08. Birthday?
09. My favorite band at the moment?
10. Colour eyes?
11. Do I have any siblings? (If so, how many and names)
12. Have you ever had a crush on me?
13. What's one of my favorite things to do?
14. Do you remember one of the 1st things I said to you?
15. Describe me in 3 words?
16. Name 5 things I love?
17. Do you think I'm good looking?
18. How would you describe me to someone?
19. Would you ever date me?
20. Tell me one thing you've always wanted to say but never did?
21. What do you like most about me?
22. If we could spend a day together, what would we do?
23. Have we ever gotten in a fight?
24: Do you think we will be friends for at least 3 or 4 more years..truthfully?
25. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it?
26. What do you think my weakness is?
27. Do you think I'll get married?
28. What makes me happy?
29. What makes me sad?
30. What reminds you of me?
31. If you could give me anything, what would it be?
32. When's the last time you saw me?
33. Do you think our friendship is getting stronger/weaker/or staying the same?
34. Do you feel that you could talk to me about anything and I would listen?
35. Are you going to put this on your LiveJournal and see what I say about you?
36. If I was an ice cream flavor, which would I be and why?
37. What song (if any) reminds you of me?
38. If you could change one thing about me, what would it be?
39. Would you make a move on me?
40. Do I cross your mind at least 1 time a day?